Republicans are about to get SLUMPED at the midterms

What went wrong?

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Leftiod cope

based astronaut man

Yea yea whatever you say

I guess this is it. Women and minorities have finally had it with us, we’re done. Demographic collapse, finished

Trump cocksucking israel while biden broke their zionist stronghold within a year (confirmed by trump btw)

Fox news polls are some of the least accurate.
Will be tough for democrats to pull out the win without fake ballots

Yes, we know, FOX is part of the globohomo program. We know, we know. We get it

checked. it's over.

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Kansas vote proved it.

Dems will have to cheat again

polls are always wrong. the only thing thats real is election night. leftoids always try to use graphs and charts and plotted-points and polls to Kike people into thinking a certain way, when in reality its all just mental illness

Stacy and Stella who would have voted republican under any other circumstances needs abortions so she can fuck around 200+ men during her 4 years at ASU. I’m glad republicans threw the election to ensure more bigger babies are born in southern states. Thank you Dixie nice job

>polls are always wrong
that is not always true
they were pretty accurate in the 2018 midterms

incorrect, prepare yourself to be btfo

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throwing the election so more nigglets can be born is indeed a christcuck thing to do

polls are a spook

Good. Democrats will change things.

I don't give a fuck about Jewish electoral politics. If I had my way, Democrats will narrowly keep the senate and Republicans will narrowly take the house, so both vooooooter groups can get trolled.

They are just going to rig the election like Bidens election.
Dont act surprised when it happens.

a red state voted against abortion restrictions by almost 20 points.
it's a losing issue for republicans and it brings very little gain, as most aborted babies are nonwhite

republicans are taking both the house and the senate. trump will be elected president in 2024

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Fox is run by Murdochs libshit kids

demorats cant run on abortions and anti extremism. it wont work. americans are worried about their money not going as far and being gouged on rent. the americans who are likely to own homes be politically involved vote, etc, likely are more concerned with the economy than aborting a future potential baby.

>posts chud
>also supports a candidate and party explicitly controlled by the International Jew
Fake chuds get out reeeeee

They got high off their own copium. Women can still vote and saving babies from abortion to please god isn't a viable election strategy. Who knew white trash flyovers were this stupid?

thats not arizona kyke

Giving citezenship to spics.

>trust the electoral process in a state under siege by taco niggers.
I can't tell if you're (you) and really stupid, or (((you))) up to your usual shenanigans.

rent free

it was not supposed to be arizona. it is supposed to be a general image to show western decline.

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you forget that women are over 50% of the electorate
abortion is literally the no 1 issue for them

>rent free
What does this even mean, in this context?

jewyork has been in decline alot longer so maybe not the best example

Incorrect, Kansas has a lot of abolitionists who voted against the bill because they want it banned full stop. There was leeway in the law.


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That's genuinely bizarre. Can't be bias since Fox News is Republican and other polls suggest the same, even Tucker commented on it being the case

I guess its Roe V. Wade? Good job on saving nigger babies i guess

nobody wants the blood on their hands of continuing the tightening of the screws on the poor. anyone with a brain will recognize that voting against getting the economy back on track (voting for democrats) is more important than "voting for abortion" besides informed voters realize its not "abortion vs anti abortion" it's a "state's rights issue." therefore, who exactly are people like katie hobbs appealing to? 95-105 iq low information voters? you may claim they are the majority, which would be true, but you are neglecting that there are other factors influencing their decisions, in my opinion.


Republican will take the house

Dems will take the Senate

You may claim muh steal but the truth is that Republicans, instead of moving to the middle and seal the fate of the dems radicalized even more than they.

you went on some incoherent screed because i posted an image.