Welcome to Uncommon Knowledge, I'm Peter Robinson

Welcome to Uncommon Knowledge, I'm Peter Robinson.

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No he's not, he's a Thomas Sowell fan.

I have watched a few of these. The ones i saw were great.


They are both leftist. Very based in a sense. But leftist nonetheless. Its only the current Overton window that makes it seem like they are not. But wind back time a little. and voila. republicanism is the new hot thing behind democracy. The leftist pipe dream of the utopia.

He's one of the only cuckservatives that will touch the sacred cow of (((Darwinism))).

>worked under George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan
>literally wrote the "Tear Down This Wall" speech
>worked alongside Milton fucking Friedman
>almost exclusively interviews figures of note in conservative thinking
>has the most charming and warm interview of George W. Bush on record
>introduced multiple generations of directionless college students to Thomas Sowell

Attached: you_will_love_your_jar_prison_by_giantesslover1986_dduj7av-250t.jpg (444x250, 17.66K)

I read it in his voice kek

everyone who you would consider a right winger. would be considered a leftist 100 year ago. and they would be considered leftist 200 year ago. The overton window has shifted.

good show desu
painfully boomer at times, but at least his guests have to pretend to be adults on his show

The youtube official replacement for alt right influence. Did the goyim watch a channel that is racist? Spam hoover institute at the so their feed and recommendations is nothing but neo-cohen controlled op.

>"As soon as I hear the term "household income" I know we're not being serious
Thomas Sowell is top tier kino of the highest order and I highly encourage anyone who needs to get started on understanding conservative thought to buy every book he has.
Begone, leaf.

Attached: sowell.png (1200x800, 930.6K)

>Yes please daddy youtube.
>I will do what you recommend
>you know what is best for me daddy youtube
>wow this based negro you recommended to me a so smart
>I should spend money on this smart negro
>he is so smart, no white person has ever said anything so smart

>Thomas Sowell is a mainstream thinker endorses by Google
I don't think you know what you're writing about

>Peter Robinson
shaboy goy about to be smashed by the golem

No, hes a right leaning zionist stooge.

this ^
zionist controlled op like Juden Peterstein

>Alphabet has no interest in coralling dissident right wingers to "safe" zionist content

You aren't from around these parts are you?


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You need to relax and bidet the groogens out of your hairy ass. Sowell does quality work and his interviews on Uncommon Knowledge are good stuff.


Hoover institute is a globalist ziocuck organization. Sowell should be leading his people in Africa, not rubbing elbows with jews.

He's American you Zionist jew faggot. I'm American, this website and culture is American
FUCK OFF back to babyhemroids.com and dick chips r us bile-scum!


Everyone laugh at the sad "conservative" boomer. I'll bet you would love it if your daughter married a based Christian black man.