Why arent they hiding their depopulation agenda anymore?

Have they already won?

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I do not believe that people could be this evil

>This document explains what he/they are doing, and will do, and why. Millions died because of this paper

It's true though. Who the fuck needs a billion niggers?

I unironically agree though. Start with all niggers, spics and mudbloods.

>"We don't need the vast majority of the population"
Oh, so you're volunteering to off yourself?

The problem is that they will kill everyone but the niggers. Then the niggers will swarm and eat them in turn, and only niggers will remain.

>t. Nigger lovers fantasy

80% vax uptake

jews aren't people

canada is already telling veterans and people in debt to kill themselves
its literally called suicide "treatment" and there was no uproar about it

welfare is the problem
let the sheep die

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They’ve already confirmed they want to off whites and not brown people. Not a single word has been said by Jews about removing the billions of Africans, Indians and Chinese that are doing nothing but consuming resources and polluting.

same old, same old.

Yes, they won in 1945

Yes, at least in their mind they think they won. That’s why BlackRock is pulling out of the Movie/Media Industry. They believe enough was infected with Marxism that the virus will now spread on it’s own without their actively hammering „the Message” into people’s minds.

They are now moving towards energy and food production and military. Subversion is complete, it was a massive success.

Whether they succeed or not, at least it's the last time.


The accelerated jewish corruption of the world in the past few years is all a worldwide Samson Option (Scorched Earth). The jews want to destroy and corrupt as much as possible before the Final Liberation and Take Over by the Imperial Germans (Reichsdeutsche), they (jews and their golems) know that their end is near and they intend to drag the world down with them.

The Plan for Total World Conquest (JWO) that was supposed to start smoothly and on schedule in 2030 (Agenda-2030) but has been sneakily and abruptly brought forward 10 years (2020). The jews have been forced to move in an increasingly uncoordinated, unsilent, unfleecked manner.

In short, like thieves in a glass house, they are now running around making a big racket and destroying everything. Plus, "waking up" their victims in the process ,who the jews and their golems will have a nice farewell "Party". That's why the jews rush things. If the jews had total control over things, then they would have implemented Agenda 2030 with small steps so as not to wake up the people.

When you're in control, it doesn't matter 50 or 100 years. But something or someone (which is obviously the Reichsdeutsche) turned their plans upside down in such a way that they know they have no chance of success but given their destructive mentality the jews prefer scorched earth tactic.

By the way, just because the existence of the Reichsdeutsche is known doesn't mean to just wait for them to mass appear in the skies or on the streets or even discourage in real life action in the meantime. But its best to just be well prepared for the inevitable economic collapse (like getting out of the cities) and cleansing or purification of this planet by them.

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thats because the billions of africans, indians and chinese didn't submit themselves to jewish rule
there is a very easy way to get out of this conundrum but I doubt any modern western man has the balls to do it.
even the NEETs in japan are more capable of action than the western man

>jews aren't people
Came here to say this

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"Vast majority" includes you and tour loved ones, faggot, they will let niggers live in your house

You already got the covid shot.

they never did. but skeptics will tell you these trillionaires are just trolling schizos writing long rants and entire books about it because they got nothing better to do

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For the rich to be rich they need desperate people to do their bidings.
But too many desperate people make the world too ugly and it's inconvenient. So they gaslight people into sterilizing and killing theirselves.

It makes me sick

>vast majority
Literally cannot be original, when was this article posted? Attempted sould-scalping kikery.

The vast majority of people do not require his organizations, funny how that line of thought works.

The Japanese haven’t submitted to the Jew but they still rattle on about them accepting immigrants. Face it, they want the smart and industrious nations gone and replaced with dumb browns who will turn on lights and fix their houses but don’t have the intelligence to rebel

neanderthals arent humans
fucking kikes

The kikes are aiming at killing off all white people, this is a fact. They think they can control the brown masses like a golem, and the golem will inevitably turn on them.
Unless of course, we kill the kikes first, then purge Europe and USA of minorities.

It means anybody who’s job can be viably replaced by a machine or AI. So yes, all of you NEETs will be purged, this is a good thing