Why do cartels use such extremely violent methods of torture? I can understand intimidation but what the fuck...

Why do cartels use such extremely violent methods of torture? I can understand intimidation but what the fuck... these motherfuckers just play with organs for fun at this point? I saw a video of a whole village of people with limbs just strewn everywhere and so many cut marks on the bodies they didn't even look like people anymore. Why chop all of someone's limbs off, kill them, then continue chopping them up? Is it just hatred or do these people actually enjoy the torture aspect?

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It’s in their genetics.

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>I saw a video of a whole village of people with limbs just strewn everywhere and so many cut marks on the bodies they didn't even look like people anymore

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weak men need to do that shit

cause it works

but why target villagers, what could they possibly do to cartels that they need to be wiped out in such a gruesome way

It obviously doesn’t work or else they wouldn’t need to keep doing it constantly

death's death. You kill to end a problem. Anything done extra is people taking out there daddy issues or weird perversion.

I’m assuming the villagers defied the cartel in some way, probably refusing to pay tribute

that's what i'm saying. i get the intimidation aspect but what's the fucking point in such brutal torture, idk man. flaying out a kids heart and feeding it to his dad for being a cop or whatever is way beyond fucked in the head
that's fucked

Because gangs benefit from terrorizing the general population, the police force and politicians.
Sure just killing someone and burrying is easier and not as messy, but it doesn't give out the message of "Don't fuck with us or else".

Aztec genetic memory

I live atop the kneecap, and I once dated a girl from butthole.

Why the fuck did they smash the pipes?!

This doesn't look mexican though, looks more like an african village.

perversion, they straight up get errections from it.

It's just hanging a sign over there head that they are problems that need killing.

It's a demonic ritual as sacrifice to their demons.

I figured it was brazil or something

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It will spread worldwide like a cancer until they either repent or are utterly exterminated from the earth like their Aztec brethren.

nice trojan bro

These. The Italian mafia would just kill because it was a necessity. Yes, they tortured but it was usually to extract information. They also usually followed a code to keep civilians from getting killed. The Yakuza follows a similar code.

It’s not just the fact they are criminals and want to scare people. Other groups do that without resorting to such extremes

Really doesn't look like Brazil either. Brazilians usually aren't THAT black and on one of the heads you can see that they have typical African earrings.
It might be some remote Latin American location, but I really doubt it. Then again, I am playing GeoGuesser on a gore video

Terror, they use it to control the populace. Just like why the cartel in charge of the USA is hiring 87k armed IRS thugs...they have plans of what they intend on doing to us in the next decade.

A few people can control many people with fear. Most people believe 'nice things' about human nature that make them feel better.

Arm up, we are at war. Get your mind right and focus your will. Bad times are here to stay...until the End.

happy times over. sacrifizing people as food supply.


>Retarded abbo

10/10 map user

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> Anything done extra is people taking out there daddy issues or weird perversion.
Well there is something to be said for instilling fear with brutality.

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There was a Mexican guy who had a trailer stolen by the cartel, and since it had GPS on it he just went and stole it back. Well the cartel showed up to his farm and killed everyone in sight

Their trade is drugs, so they're usually on drugs

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Ok I have one question. Is this level of extreme violence just the nature of man or what, did humans ever take as much joy in mutilating people still alive like some of the cartels do? At a certain point it doesn't even seem like it's about the drugs anymore it's just about getting the opportunity to flay and torture as many ppl as possible

truer words were never spoken. they have been carving each other up for ions.

i like it

I really don't think it would spread. The only reason why the drug cartels exist in the first place is because cocaine is just such a profitable drug to produce and sell in America/Europe.
There is no removing these cartels either, do you know just how big South American countries are? Ecuador is almost the size of Germany for example, there will always be someone growing coca somewhere in the jungle where there aren't even streets.

You have to be 18 to post here faggot

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it coming to the US, in fact, it's here already. All the contractors/mercs coming over the border w/immigrants. Isrealhell won't have to lift a finger to wipe out this excess lives here, they'll just finance it!

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a dude that's got to kill so many people it's become legitimate work is a lot scarier to deal with than a dude that's got all day to be playing some degenerate torture games.

> Why do cartels use such extremely violent methods of torture?

Cause they know a peaceful protest 'to stop the steal' or kind words of reason will not work, but crushing someone's feets and hands absolutely will :-)

The Assyrians loved that shit, their kings made whole memorials about how they killed everyone in whole regions and left nothing standing
Ancient jews also loved that, why do you think Saul was disqualified? God issued an order of total cleansing on israel's enemies but he didn't carry it out fully

Did they round people up and torture them for fun while having a laugh and grilling or just kill them?

It's their cultural heritage, bro.
It's their religion to dismember you.

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That's Africa dipshit

Cartels can’t spread to the U.S. because the commoners here are armed to the teeth, begging for a reason to ventilate some spic gangsters, whereas in Latin America gun ownership is banned which leaves the peasants utterly defenseless against their oppressors, so cartels operate with impunity.

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It's their job. They do their job or someone does them. They are told to do evil and vile things to people. Some grow to enjoy it because they embrace evil and degeneracy others simply follow orders and get paid and the violence sends the message to their enemies (everyone not of their cartel). All of them lose their humanity because of their actions. They become like the dog pack that will kill an entire herd of sheep just for the thrill. Feral.

Bro people in the Middle Ages were super fucked up. They played a game where they nailed a cat to a post and then a person with arms tied behind his back had to kill the cat using only his head as a blunt weapon.

Low IQ farmers are brutal who of guessed.

You cannot generalize the entire human nature from some outliers. But then... lolbertarian.

Like an user said though, it doesn't work, otherwise there would be king cartel gang who rule the country, but instead they keep splitting into thousands of nuevo generacion cartels where they try to outcompete each other, and people keep defying them because they don't want to listen to insane people and they believe in Jesus and heaven anyway or they're just retarded. A likelier reason is because they rile each other up into a fervour with Aztec bullshit beforehand and give them a 16 year olds a knife and a ton of cocaine and PCP beforehand, like child soldiers in Uganda.

God told them to just kill everything, men and horses alike, and burn all their possessions.
Assyrians though did flay and raze entire cities for fear purposes, just like the cartel people do

fr no cap?

I wish that was so...take a good look along the trafficking corridors...they are buying legitimate businesses, restaurants, building contractors, etc. They're here.

Ye hear of rumours of war in foreign lands but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land.

Bro I'm sorry to tell you, but your time travel machine didn't work, you just went to Bulgaria