Time for a Billionaire Wealth Tax

Billionaires must pay their fair share!

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you need a constitutional amendment to do that
will never happen, Herb

They do. They just skirt the law.

You think they file their taxes? They pay top dollar for tax attorneys to hide it, legally.

The only ones getting fucked by the IRS coming up is the middle class, which is the entire point.

Why doesn't the government just spend fucking less?

still wondering if it was a good idea to make corporations 'legal persons'. but ya know, still would be a good idea for them to cease business until they paid their 'back taxes' same deadline regular folks get issued else they lose their property.

gas the jews.

yes. for people who aren't jewish, chinese etc or on gibz from the state etc it maybe suprising that the normal dude wants the rich dude to not get taxed to the extent that he takes his toys and moves, so you suddenly don't have a job as truck driver, miners etc.

i hate you. i really really hate you. you evil, vile, lying monster.

peckerwoods really do think they are going to make it big one day

Surely your rich politicians won't leave loopholes for themselves and their corporate overlords while raising we peasant's taxes this time!
Surely they will share some of their booty with their voters sometime soon, we just have to keep letting them fuck us over and eventually they'll have to share that tax plunder at some point!

>be a democrat
>run on taxing the wealthy every election cycle
>completely control government since jan 2020
>still no tax increases on the ultra wealthy

What happened dembros?

Don't worry we are hiring 6 gorrilion more IRS agents so we can go after the scum of the earth. I saw a man at a tire shop taking cash for plugging tires and he just shoved the money in his pocket without putting it in the computer! How can we function as a society when we have these crooks going around not reporting their income properly?

The shitting on white poor people thing really doesn't endear them to poor white guys.

maybe if we didn't tax the fuck out of them, they would actually pay their taxes rather than paying accountants to dodge them.

>Antagonize whites
>Why won't they support us?
Kek. Keep alienating potential supporters and keep wondering why you never succeed. I used to support taxing billionaires until the left made it about race. Now I support billionaires.
>But that's what the billionaires want!
>They promote woke leftism to make you react in this manner!
So? The left could change this at any moment, but they choose not to. This tells me that they hate whites more than they support taxing the rich, which in turn tells me not to take them seriously as an anti-corporate faction.

really rich people are psychopaths and wouldn't pay their taxes even if we had a flat tax of 10%

This. Demoncrats won cheap victories like normalizing fucking freaks going into girl's bathrooms instead of actually pushing for some sensible economic reform and helping the working class but instead chose to defend some violent nigger who got stood on by the police for chimping out.

We oppose taxes because we pay them and we do not benefit from them.

> So? The left could change this at any moment, but they choose not to. This tells me that they hate whites more than they support taxing the rich, which in turn tells me not to take them seriously as an anti-corporate faction.
Well put. They are disgusting fat freaks. It's also why it's so easy for the rich to co-opt them. The head of BLM bought a house in a rich white neighborhood.

>we are totally going to tax the wealthy elite!
>taxes the middle class instead.
Every time.

When you say tax the rich, I hear 90% income tax for the middle class