Why did republican primary voters select such shitty and unelectable bums like Mehemet Oz & JD Vance?

Why did republican primary voters select such shitty and unelectable bums like Mehemet Oz & JD Vance?

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turtle face has no charisma.

Maybe if he took a more active role in picking better RINOS rather than giving Joe his red flag law he wouldn't be in this position.
I hope he dies.

GOP voters are going full accelerationist.

We're headed to a depression within the next 2-3 years no matter who is in office... so it's a choice between electing a bunch of shits and letting the Dems go hog wild the next couple of years, imploding the country, and the GOP finally getting the message and going full NatSoc come 2028... or elect a bunch of RINOS who'll do nothing but maintain the status quo level of decline.

>Why did republican primary voters select such shitty and unelectable bums like Mehemet Oz & JD Vance?
This is honestly really good news for the long effort to bring down Vladimir Putin.

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Because the Republican party is pathetic and has no leadership or effective strategy so Trump basically can step right in and control them.

>come 2028



lmao hahaha you'll be in fucking prison or dead by then if drastic measures aren't taken.

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Quality Senators:
Stroke patient Fetterman

Quality platform:
Loosing to the Taliban
Stealing all the money
Getting everyone murdered
Taking money from China

oz is a faggot.

vance and masters are based.

GOP will regain house and senate.

mcconnell is literally trying to sabotage gop for the midterms because he wants to keep fucking over republican voters.

Don’t care, still voting for them. If they make the shills, gop faggots, and media seethe, then it’s a good choice.

JD Vance isn’t really that bad imo, but come on, Dr Oz? Pathetic.


Once these cucks leave, the Republican Party would lead America into a 100 year golden age.

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Oz is shit but he's automatically better than Fetterman simply because Fetterman wants to throw people in prison for questioning elections

If you notice voters seem to always prefer effeminate wimpy yes men and manly fugly females for leasers and it's just another example of how the system really doesn't work and never did. It's all scripted kayfabe anyway at the end of the day. Voting is just ritualistic dogma for the gullible and probably always has been. Could you image the chaos and insanity if people really were allowed any kind of honest say in who their leaders were?

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>lugenpresse left and rino cucks trying to demoralize and blackpill the America first ideal
I have such little respect for these cretins I dismiss anything they say out of hand. They have been wrong about everything, why would they suddenly be right?

When he says “candidate quality” he means that they are people who aren’t already under the thumb of the Jew.
The GOP is going reactionary, neocons are being deported

McConnell being a rino piece of shit guy refuses to let go that the Republican party is not his party anymore

because rinos are mad at trump and his endorsements and will assist dems cheating in the midterms and other future elections, just like they did in 2020
there's nothing more to it really, if you think there will be fair elections anymore, think again as long as you get this simple and blatant truth through your kike fucked skull

i voted for vance because he said we should fight fewer wars and pay more attention to domestic issues. i would rather lose with a candidate like that than win with someone like (((josh mandel)))

Mitch McConnel is just showing he is really no different than Liz Cheney. You're talking about a guy that has the LOWEST approval ratings of all republican senators among republicans. A guy that usually runs about 20% approval among republicans IN HIS HOME STATE. He just benefits from being entrenched republican establishment player with power in a deep red state.

Name one other time in your life that a party leader has said "well, we're probably going to lose because our candidates suck". Just one, go ahead I'll wait.

He is a traitor from days gone by, a Jeff Flake, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Paul Ryan, Bob Corker, etc.. Wants to burn it all down as he is shown the door.

>ohhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo! no no no no!!
>you just can't nominate republicans like vance and masters who will actually do what republican voters want!
>we can't nominate republicans who will implement republican policies! we have to nominate republicans who implement democrat policies! or else we will lose to the democrats!