We’re fucked

It’s either the stupid dictator or the smart one. Either way we’re getting a dictator

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I can fucking smell the s o y and dreidls off of that headline

This was in my newspaper today (even though I live nowhere near Florida). The prosecutor signed a pledge to not prosecute certain people in certain situations, regardless of any actual lawbreaking. He got fired for refusal to do his job. Technically, it's true that he disagreed with Ron Desantis, but the disagreement was over whether he should do his job or not. Of course, the mainstream media sees this as Ron Desantis BAD VERY BAD.

ron desantis fires rogue prosecutor who didn't do his job, and thought his position was higher than the governor's title.

Attached: Sweet Florida.png (800x800, 186.54K)

>Either way we're getting a dictator
Is that a promise?

>The prosecutor signed a pledge to not prosecute certain people in certain situations, regardless of any actual lawbreaking.
You’re being vague, because that’s not specifically the case


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I'm not being vague because that specifically is the case, lol. Did you even read the image you posted?

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6 posts and no one mentioned this
would be nice if retards like zog desantis would stop sucking jew cock

>Ron DeSantis suspends a prosecutor for having different opinions than Ron DeSantis
>Ronnie D suspends prosecutor for openly saying he won't do his job and prosecute crimes because he has a different opinions of Florida law.

>openly saying he won't do his job and prosecute crimes because he has a different opinions of Florida law
Ah, but he has a first amendment right to do that, as I'm sure he'll demonstrate to the court's satisfaction during the lawsuit he filed over this gross example of dictatorial conduct.

You dont have free speech at work kike.

If our legal system were worth a shit, that's exactly what the judge would say before throwing the lawsuit out, lol.


>imagine trusting what some kike's hired kike attorneys say

The prosecutor wouldn’t enforce the LAW frankly he belongs in JAIL

I hope our dictator DRAINS THE SWAP

>refuses to enforce laws they don't like
>"wow, he stopped the guy in charge of enforcing laws because they have different opinions!"
Fucking jews.

>get fired for being an activist DA

You don’t have the freedom to not do your job and keep your job, dumbass nigger fuck off

>Either way we’re getting a dictator

Dont do that. Dont give me hope like that

So you're saying I can't get fired from my job for saying "kill all niggers" because freedom of speech?

>The only way that the Left and the Demonkikes can get anywhere is if they keep lying through their teeth
They're going to get the assblasting of the century come November.

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This was a statewide investigation for months about which state officials were Soros faggots. 95% of prosecutors, DAs, law enforcement said it was coming from Tamps with that faggot and not Broward County or Miami Dade. Now that is saying something.

He also refused to prosecute minor troon surgery. Reddit argument is no minor troon surgery happens in Florida. So whats the problem?