Is there a political reason as to why older generations always hate the youngest one?

Is there a political reason as to why older generations always hate the youngest one?

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Typically life was harder for older people so they are usually jealous.

because change might disrupt their comfy living


As you age you start to see the past through rose colored glasses. You forget what it's like to be young. You forget how irresponsible you acted and how annoying you were at that age. And to be fair young people can be fucking obnoxious so it's easy to hate the,.

young people are stupid and disrespectful

Their lies come with a shelf life.
The younger generation is then encouraged to mock the older. Thus, ensnaring and isolating them with the masonic horseshit.

the funny part is that it's old as humanity
in Works and Days Hesiod is constantly seething because humans are no longer heroic and he's now in the iron age, i.e. the age where morals are no longer respected, while Metamorphoses Ovid is seething because humans have become rotten and greedy

every generation that fails to break the shell becomes bitter

We don't hate you. We just don't understand you. Like for example what is "deadass" mean? Where did you learn it? How would you use it in a sentence that makes sense, grammatically... and why??

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Zoomies are alright. An improvement over my gay ass generation for sure.
Gen X also are alright.
Boomers are braindead fags.

it's a conjunction of dead and wholeass

captcha d2 too

>Is there a political reason as to why older generations always hate the youngest one?
nobody hated me when i was young, no, it can only be that this young generation really is trash

Have to keep them in check, its like with elephants if you get rid of the big bull elephant the juvenile males will go crazy and start killing the other elephants

This hasn't been true since the 1960s. Everyone born after the 1960s was born into gradually worse circumstances.

Jewish divide and conquer tactics. It’s a meme to keep us from ever achieving cultural momentum and unity.

28 millennial here. I grew up in the 90s and the emo era. When I look back on it I cringe a bit but Zoomers are irredeemable faggots.

They have taken nigger worship to the next level, grew up on iPhones, perm their hair, and probably cant name 1 continent on earth.

As I’m getting older, I always question myself when I feel a genuine disgust towards younger people… I just think most of you are posers, replicas of the front page of TikTok, and have little to nothing of your own individual selves. Same music, same style, same faggotry across the board. Gay really.


I agree that even though they are bots, they are better than what millennials appear to be. GenX is probably the best, I don’t know how Boomers even got to old age

kids have all their desires fulfilled through a cheap piece of hardware, its just harder to buy a house now.

Because each new generation falls deeper into jewish degeneracy

I've encountered hundreds of unironic 1488 soldiers of the apocalypse among the zoomers. Can't say the same for any other living gen. They might have record faggotry and no good women, but their % of hardcore ourguy zealots is unprecedented.