Asking for it

At what point is a woman "asking for it" and why are they unable to take responsibility for their bodies?

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women are never asking for it, even when they're asking for it

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nobody wanted to touch those flapjacks anyway

> Still Not Asking
> For Attention
> Dressed Like That
It's a lie.

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Holy shit I didn't know dindus had mating dance.
That's crazy. Did it work?

Most niggers can't read anyway, so the sign doesn't matter.

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If they don't want to be looked at they should cover up, simple as. Of course a learned man knows they do this to seek attention from potential mates, and they get off on shaming/shitting on substandard prospects for daring to look at what's intended for a chad.

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they only ask for it when you man up and take it

i do not understand the 'not asking for it'. what is meant by it? i honestly dont get the inside joke/twist/spin/truth or whatever

When you have the highest STD infection rate BY FAR, you have to get creative with the lure

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lmao this is shameless

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that's why is called rape
else it would be called prostitution or wife , but you can still practice it in any situation

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Ah, the old no means yes game. Guaranteed to bring more excitement to your love making.

>the ultimate shit test
>if we agree she is not asking for it, we fail

asking for a knuckle sandwich? Depends on how drunk I am.
asking for rape? Never, you disgusting incels.

Every person has a responsibility for their own safety. These people believe that they can use moral arguments to dissuade immoral people from exploiting an opportunity. Even if society as a whole agrees that rape is wrong, there will always be individual actors with their own motivations. If you drag a bunch of steaks through a forest, you shouldn't be surprised to attract predators. The people doing this love the attention right up until the moment they don't.

its a very old american argument in society about whether or not slutty clothes like miniskirts can be interpreted as flirting, an invitation to sex

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men cover up their body every day though

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Wouldn't it be funny if some rascal prankster ran up to her and erased the word not with some rubbing alcohol haha?

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