Florida "Stop Woke Act" Blocked

A federal judge has blocked Desantis backed law.

Your move chuds.

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I agree with the decision. He needs to find a legal way to stop this.

OK it goes to Kegger Kav and becomes a national precedent, you want that nigger?

Enforce it anyways. Ignore the judges.

Then just have the Supreme Court overrule the federal judge?
Not a big deal.

wow, between this and the fbi invading, seems like someone is trying to send a message.

>Not a big deal.
sure, not a big deal, but it will take 2-50 years. thanks for playing, dumbass, here's your "i voted" sticker.

Whats the name of the judge?

Lmao, what retards. If it goes to the Supreme Court that means the decision will apply nationwide.

You're thinking that the supreme court would over-rule a clear freedom of speech case?
The last thing you guys want is this case going to the supreme court.

>constitutional rights don't apply in the class room
>kids don't get a first & fourth amendment, but teachers do!
hang all of these niggers

>Whats the name of the judge?
ib4 reinhart

OP's BTFO already and is coping now.

False framing of the law. It isn't about what makes people uncomfortable; it's about lessons or corporate workshops which assign blame to any particular race. Which is a safeguard we wouldn't have to have if the leftoid grifters weren't looking to exaggerate every real and imagined historical crime as a way to get modern-day political power and gibs.

And if they don't like it, the remedy for that is speech, not hoovering up tax dollars for your grift. Find a soapbox.

The Democrats are turning back the clock on civil rights again. Not surprising. They hated the civil rights act, too.


QRD? What was the bill trying to do?

You're not free to genocide white people. Neck yourself ahmed

No, its not. It means businesses can now discriminated against fags and every other protected group and nobody can do shit about it

Jews too. Now its legal to blame everything on the jews.

Continue putting the law into practice then arrest federal officers who try to stop it

That’s not what that means idiot. Only that other states are free to enact similar laws in their own

That's what the courts are for though.

But why? Now we can teach critical semite theory and jews cant do shit about it.

Is this judge implying t that we have a freedom of speech right to talk shit on black people in the classroom?

Abolish civil rights.

Wait, so a teacher could show pornos to kids and this judge thinks that's ok?
>a honeymoon registry and a workplace diversity consultant
how the fuck do they have standing? how is this issue not moot? have they already been damaged by the law? kind of funny how that works.

Thats how im reading it
Holocaust denial too.

take away his license like they did to ever doctor that went against the rona.

>the remedy for repugnant speech is more speech
>no not that speech
Sick of these Jews and their bullshit

Good Point!
>no matter how repugnant
so now saying nigger is not a hate crime, right?

I believe his name is Jewie Jewenstein

prevent groomers from abusing children in schools

No you stupid nigger stop trying to do this dumbassed back and forth like the kike ever has or ever will play fair with his pilpul legal bullshit
Escalate to violence where they have always lost

They don't tell you two things about this law
This is because the establishment wants to push DeSantis as some sort of anti-woke guy when he's not, he supports lgbt+++++LGBT.
This was just a stunt to get him national attention and win dumb conservatives

1 The law banned TEACHING of woke but they carved out making it legal to DISCUSS woke topics
Aka they didn't ban a fucking thing

2 Also apparently it's totally fine anyway as long as you're above third grade.
So 4th grade tranny hour? No problem

yes, which mean banned fag and niggers in private sectors. You don't wanna go down that road.

Certain states should just seccede.

Yeah this...doesn't make any sense really. Yeah you debate speech, of course, but typically if your job is forcing you to take a workshop about how you're an evil white man or if you're being taught that in school...what room is there for debate in those situations? Are they also going to bring in Jared Taylor and start talking about whites in a positive way as a counter balance? If they did that, then yeah, sure, that's fine with me. But if they're only allowing 1 side to be heard, then what choice is there except to ban teachers and work places from teaching shit like that?

>the remedy for repugnant speech is more speech
So let's be CLEAR here, the court's judgement is in fact, to call your teacher a fucking niggerfaggot if she/he starts talking about niggers or faggots in class.
If you or your child is EVER in court over "hate speech" then this is your defense, straight from the horse's mouth.

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>Federal judge
>blocking a state law
I am so sick and tired of Federal overreach.

>You don't wanna go down that road.
Why? Private companies can do whatever they want memeflag nigger. Remember?

>A federal judge has blocked Desantis backed law.
So what? Do it anyway. What are they gonna do, arrest him? lmao

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Sweet teachers can lead class prayer in Florida again!

If Florida had any balls they'd respond to this ruling by mandating a "teach the controversy" aggressively pro-white curriculum. 13/50, "Left behind in Rosedale", Immigration act of 1965, apologia for McCarthy, Great Replacement conspiracy, etc. Call the judge out on her "more speech" pablum by giving her more "repugnant" speech and give a point by point rebuttal of liberal values. They don't have any balls though.

They'll just shrug their shoulders and say "oh well we tried, be sure to vote for us though".