BREAKING: Judge UNSEALS Train Raid Documents

redacted of course

the documents should come out today

Attached: unsealed.png (524x588, 355.16K)

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i mean Trump Raid
not Train Raid

the only Train is the Trump Train


Attached: JudgeReinhartFromCourtBlog300x400.jpg (300x400, 41.62K)

it will redact the stuff that looks bad for the fbi and make it look bad for trump

Attached: unsealed.jpg (768x512, 56.9K)

yea that's been helpful in the past.

>go on tv
>we were trying to collect all the evidence of cia and fbi malfeasance in the russian hoax
>evidence the cia and fbi are crooked risks national security

They raided the Trump Train only to get hit by it.

thats cool. my uncle does trains too

>my uncle does trains too
it's a hard job

The fake news will have a heyday making allusions to what the redacted parts will be. I bet they'll even get some anonymous sources to say what they think is in the redacted parts.

Thanks user. I trust the FBI now

>it's a hard job
stay strong

One would think that a Federal Judge being inclined to order the release, would also demand to see the UNREDACTED version first, so as to ensure that ONLY appropriate application of redaction is applied.
One can dream...

I don't know how trains men do it


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>redact and ultimately release a version
Release a motherfuckinf VERSION.
Holy fuck these kikes are brazen as FUCK.


>thats cool. my uncle does trains too
Natalie Biden? Is that you?

Attached: 1660506188748288.jpg (1665x2048, 284.62K)

>help I’m being red-ACK

What exactly are the Democrats afraid of with this being released? It displaying no justification for such a warrant? Or the it exposing some reason behind it like Hilary Clinton or something?

>A source close to a man that knows Trump's sister's BVLL told us he has the nuclear codes

>some judge 'ordered'
will get overruled by another judge, and so on and so on
>ultimately release
the day after never

Attached: someone in jared kushner's position.jpg (719x787, 226.45K)

Trains is hard job

Trump tried to reseal the documents
