Why was obesity never a thing in the past?

Why was obesity never a thing in the past?

You're telling me literally NOBODY
>didn't exercise
>ate carbs/fat/whatever meme diet of the month

I don't buy it. You don't go from 1% obesity rate in 1900 to 40% in 2022 without some real shit going on. What is the truth Any Forums?

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High Fructose Corn Syrup

The food has just gotten worse
Spend some time in Europe and compare the ingredients between European and American products
While in the past, Americans voted with their wallets for decent meals, the cost saving of high fructose canola oil bullshit has overtaken the food market.

corn syrup, destruction of pedestrian walkways to make roads for cars, social media, work from home

No cell phones, no internet, no "fat acceptance movement", no uber eats, all of your entertainment required getting up and going somewhere.

Processed food, high fructose corn syrup, vegetable oil, seed oil, estrogen in the water, technology creating sedentary lifestyles

Most things didn't have sugar in it.

They didn’t have processed food.
Food scientists with Harvard PhD’s have literally “hacked” the human mind and made foods with the perfect blend of salt, fat, glutamates, and simple carbohydrates, to stimulate appetite. They then took these products and filled half of every grocery store with them.
If you’re eating steak/chicken/fish with a side of potatoes/rice/bread and some vegetable you will probably get full as soon as you’ve eaten enough and wont be tempted to snack later.
Sugared beverages also became a thing. Virtually every megaobese(like hamplanet status, not just regular fat) drinks only soda all day every day. Never water.

>corn syrup

How exactly does corn syrup make everyone obese? Shouldn't it just be extra calories in the form of sugar?

Outside of royalty and maybe certain nobility or high classes of extremely prosperous societies it wasn’t really possible, especially in men. You just don’t get obese from doing hard labor all day in less you spend basically all of your time off doing competitive hotdog eating or something.

A lot of women were maybe more shapely in certain places if they were more sedentary where they belong, in the household but not fucking disgusting land whales.

Even now, unless you have a rare endocrine disorder, you really have to try to be a fat fuck. Obesity is like anorexia. It is extremely hard to become emaciated in the west unless you go very far out of your way and really out in an extreme amount of effort. Obesity is like that.

Obesity is like aborting your kid not even knowing who the father can be. It’s not some kind of accident. You have to fuck an awful lot of guys so don’t pretend to be some kind of victim. Fatasses and stupid whores are similar in that way.

Cheap sugar, cheap processed foods, seed oils, corn syrup, fucked up estrogen-filled water supply from the pill.

People literally just move less.

Think about in the past you’d have to get up and walk around to have a meeting or to Jay deliver memmos.

Most people worked factory jobs which required standing and moving around

Now90% of the population sits at a desk for 8+ hours a day plus giant portions of food for low cost plus corn syrup

For sure having fat people is better than starving people but it takes a long time to
Develop cultural norms and food being abundant and cheap is a relatively new thing in the human experience and we haven’t figured out culturally how to deal yet

There were all ways fat rich people and kings and stuff but they were few and far between


>having fat people is better than starving people
no lmao

IIRC your body goes crazy because it can’t process high fructose corn syrup correctly and so releases too much/to little insulin into the blood stream, which causes more cravings. Also the HFCS is more easily converted to and stored as fat for similar reasons.

People had pride in their looks. Now we're told to have PRIDE in our schools.

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back in the early and mid 20th century, it was just that there wasn't as much food
obesity really spiked after the 1964 surgeon general's report on smoking which pointed out that smoking is bad for you
now no one smokes and they get fat
nicotine is an appetite suppressant

I also remember that HFCS was originally used as a cheap cattle fattener, so it’s telling that jews started using it in goy food.

Frankly I think the ideal obesity rate is 50%
As in 100% women
0% men.

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>A lot of women were maybe more shapely in certain places if they were more sedentary where they belong, in the household but not fucking disgusting land whales.
Yeah but c'mon bro, you can't tell me it's ALL lack of exercise.

Like, Ottoman sultans had harems with hundreds of women who did nothing but sit around all day. But I have heard nothing of them being obese.

Even the worst of the worst royalty who could afford to sit around and gorge themselves all day, like Louis XIV could never become these TLC hamplanets. It just doesn't make sense. People like this simply didn't exist in the past

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your body doesnt recognize liquids as food, so there's no pancreatic/insulin response

Its not cheaper, just subsizidized with tax dollars.
But idiots in Iowa and Nebraska would cry if we stopped subsidizing corn.

The liver prcoesses it into adipose tissue before it even enters your stomach. It is basically a poison. And it also has addictive tendencies.

Obesity is a genetics problem. The places with the highest obesity rates are populations with historically low calorie surpluses.

People were more active, by necessity.

OP do you just think nothing's changed in the last 100 years?
The food we eat has drastically changed and we're now at the point where you don't even have to go and fucking buy your corn syrup at a shop anymore, they'll bring it straight to your fucking house
Add in the fact that it's impossible to walk anywhere and you need a car for everything, the enormous number of sedentary jobs where people sit down for 8 hours a day, and modern "entertainment" where people can sit on their asses staring at the flashing lights for the other 8 hours that they're awake and it quickly becomes clear how we got to this point

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sneed oils

>The liver prcoesses it into adipose tissue before it even enters your stomach.
wtf? how is that possible? that is terrifying. How do you even get rid of it?

One word:

Goy Slop

Oh it is absolutely the food.
Exercise is a part of it, but not much.
Food is not only extra fattening these days. But it is also mandated to be high in carbs since the days of the first Food Pyramid to promote the sale of grains and see higher profits for pharmaceutical companies. In 2015, a single diabetic person would give a net lifetime revenue of $1,000,000 to pharmaceutical companies. No idea what that is now with inflation.

And I like fat girls, but they arent as soft, energetic, or healthy if they get the beetus.

>I don't buy it. You don't go from 1% obesity rate in 1900 to 40% in 2022 without some real shit going on. What is the truth Any Forums?
Because TV, videogames and the internet have made sitting on your ass starting at a wall entertaining. People went out and did stuff prior to 2000.

>seed oils
>ultra processed toxic shit like high fructose corn syrup
>xeno-estrogens in the form of plastic which is omnipresent (even clothing)
>Lack off quality sleep due to blue-light
>Foods are depleted from essential micro-nutrients thus destroying your metabolic health

Your body does the same thing with alcohol. Its not that shocking.

You just drink less HFCS and alcohol and get some light exercise as soon as you can after the meal or the next day if it was late at night.

Pesticides, herbicides, special fertilisers all contribute to the poisoning of food products.
Obesity comes from the toxicity of food, a lack of nutrition within food products, and the inflammatory effect consuming such foods has on your body.
Gymcels will rant on about how calories are the only thing that matters, how people today grow fat because they're chowing down on too many calories in a day.
This perfectly plays into the confusion scheme from the Jews who want you not to pay attention to your micronutrients.
When you're hungry, you're lacking macros and/or micros.
If your micros aren't in order, you'll keep eating until you find them and your body is satisfied at last.

Food in 1900 wasn't showered with poison or grown in chemical pollutant fertilisers.
It simply grew in regular fresh soil.

Another element to look at is the effect of EMF on your body's inflammation levels.
Rurals haven't anywhere near as much EMF pollution as cities do, and rurals are still in good fit health compared with urbanites.

The food is poison

>sedentary lifestyles
this and mostly this. Never before have so many people sat stationary for so long for so little.

>In 2015, a single diabetic person would give a net lifetime revenue of $1,000,000 to pharmaceutical companies. No idea what that is now with inflation.
great, so now our society is collapsing so they can make some more green paper fake money off of our misery

fuck I hate humans

digits don't lie
American food is just shit. "Poison" isn't even too strong of a word for it. It's flat out killing us, just slowly. The miracle of the human body means we can live with it for a really long time, but it's fucked up.
Old pics like OPs tell the story. Those aren't models. They're just... people. They probably walked or rode a bike to get to that beach, and they didn't even have to worry about their bike because the niggers knew their fucking place.
Lots of sun, regular exercise, food was cheap, but it wasn't shit, and if you got fat your friends would make fun of you.

healthy body, healthy mind
it can work in the reverse order too

Food environment. Hyper-palatable food is convenient, in large sizes, and everywhere.

When your great-grandmother was your age, if she wanted a burger and fries, she'd probably wait until she went until she went shopping over the weekend. You can have a burger and fries in your mouth in 15 minutes.

Plus, obesity doesn't happen overnight. For most people it takes years, a decade or more.

most of our "fat" now is inflammation. all of our food is poison

Based mutt

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I dunno about the UK but corn syrup is practically non existent here and both of our countries are only slightly behind USA in terms of obesity.

I think corn syrup doesn't really cause body fat anyway, it makes liver fat. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease is a high level redpill

>cars destroyed the world
Back you go, faggot

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Mostly has to do with sedentary lifestyles. Carbs and sugar have always been a thing so I don't think it's so much the food we eat as it is the fact that so many people don't move around as much during the day, like people used to.

Seedoil and drinking soda always

Sugar was a luxury until recently, and now it's in everything. Simple as that. Need any more explainations on common sense shit lmk user, I enjoy helping the mentally handicapped.

I love your final point, heaps of people are only not fat because they just haven't got fat yet and they have all the habits of obesity locked in