Blacks have always acted this way

I remember my boomer dad preaching that black people used to be upstanding citizens, but liberals taught them to be degenerate in the 1960s with welfare laws, etc. This idea he got from Fox, Rush, Thomas Sowell or some other normie conservative. Same "dems r da reel raysists" shit you always hear from them.

History books paint a much different story. In reality, niggers have always chimped out in large groups. They've always gone wild and done crime. There used to be laws to deal with this, back when people weren't brainwashed to never think a bad thought about blacks no matter how bad they get. Dems didn't invent hatred of blacks, people have always had nigger fatigue. Liberals didn't invent slavery, the first legal slave owner was black, and free blacks owned other blacks as slaves. They even fought in the CSA to keep their slaves.

Somehow, the schools, media, and political parties made people forget hundreds of years of nigger fatigue in the last few generations. They flipped it by promoting nigger worship in pop culture. They made observation and common sense into a sin with constant propaganda, but why? Why is it so important to them to force us together with blacks? Why can't they just build them a colony in Africa and send them back -- neither group belongs together. Both are miserable in this forced marriage, and it won't end well. Its just death and violence forever this way. What's the solution?

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i also hate niggers. bump.

End nigger worship. Cancel all streaming services and Jewtube.

Holy shit lad checked

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I hate niggers so much it’s unreal bros


Holy checked

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I agree but to give some credit to the Thomas Sowell position, blacks were on an upward trajectory (relatively speaking) in the 1950s, specifically because they were trying so hard to be white
So the decline is in the fact that they are no longer trying

It was easier to ignore what blacks did when there were still segregated white neighborhoods. White people were still allowed to be safe, until the late 50s and the 60s, starting with Eisenhower forcing all white schools to let niggers in. Since then they've forced integration of whites and blacks and that's how we got to the levels of negro worship we have today.

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What they mean is that the defacto american black culture (black people who weren't thugs and criminals) were them wearing suits and being normal people you could approach and befriend in the street.

NOW the defacto culture is hip hop and rap music, which makes them far less approachable and far more inclined to commit crime.

At the end of the day, american black people have no culture but whatever the normal americans gave them. So yes, american blacks WERE taught by democrats (former republicans) slavers/racists how to behave and act, turned degenerate, and lead astray.


>Why is it so important to them to force us together with blacks?
i think that the cultural push to love niggers and faggots is just an attempt to weaken white people and make damn sure they never get out from under jewish dominion

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>So yes, american blacks WERE taught by democrats (former republicans) slavers/racists how to behave and act, turned degenerate, and lead astray.
I don't know if you can see the image in op, but the hoghlighted area says you're wrong. Niggers have always chimped out and caused mass chaos whrn allowed to freely walk the streets. They had to pass laws to deal with with this problem going back to 1714, and kept those laws long past the end of slavery. Fucking weird that even during slavety niggers would party and riot as their "nightlife", i was taught niggers lived in constant terror of the kkk and being butchered. Sound like a bullshit BLM tier narrative to just me or...?


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Something that almost no history mentions these days is how Haiti banned slavery in the 1780s, then 20 years later Blacks united to holocaust all the Whites in the country. This actually became one of the primary arguments in the US debates regarding whether or not the slaves should ever be freed, for fear of the Blacks holocausting all the Whites in America.

The oldest crime stats for America show exponentially higher black crime, and 3x the single mother hood rates throughout US history. Even the abolitionist movement in America wasn't predicated on freeing niggers because they were redeemable, it was explicitly modeled on James Madisons view that there can never be peace with blacks because they resent white people too much and it'll never change, ergo they need to be isolated or repatriated. Too bad MAGA Boomertards love the genius behind the 2nd Amendment, but they'll completely ignore the insights he had about blacks, which are obviously true, and always have been.

The problem there being the conservative movement selectively edits out relevant historical fact to maintain the same narratives as the left. Both ruling parties compete to accuse each other of the same sins, no disagreement on what should be considered a sin is permitted. The big lies they push keep meaningful solutions from ever being imagined or discussed.

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no, niggers have been niggers since the dawn of time


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