"NO" said multiple times
"I changed my mind"

Would this be considered "RAPE" in your country ????

Attached: 1655627110130.webm (800x450, 3M)

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eww bug porn


Making it impossible for men to legally protect themselves against manufactured allegations by women is fueling the incel crisis more than anything other than dating apps.

that doesn’t happen


i love how he is pulling up his pants at the end of the webms

I she changed her mind five years after the fact it would be still considered rape here.

If you ever fuck a Spanish woman, do yourself a favor and kill her afterwards.

Yes I'm sure you care about this Chang and not just using this excuse to post some literal bug with a white woman.

I'd prefer to leave her as an example and kill them when they falsely accuse me of things.

A few thousand men doing that and women would quickly shut the fuck up.

Both are Asian, and it's wholesome and makes my heart hurt for longing.

i miss this.
i need another girlfriend.

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Bros, why do I get angry when I see a chinaman with a white woman? I don't get angry though when it's a black man.

The trial of Jian Ghomeshi you lying fuck. Thankfully for him the two women who entrapped him were stupid enough to assume their text records wouldn't be pulled as the "victims".

All women do is lie

They're flirting and playing around
OP's the type of nigga to get sweaty palms from talking to his mom

this happened to me once. ended up with my dick in the girl no problems. her noes were not strong enough and she only barely resisted every advance from kisses to removing clothing until penetration. no means yes with some women.

The male-female sexual dynamics has always been women saying "no" and men having to persuade women into the act. This is how women feel wanted and desired and subsequently obtain inflated egos.

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No woman wants to touch you chang

Look at the little bugman

Indeed! This is what makes women retarded and a bad idea for public life.

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