What's the deal with salt water?

The Earth's "unique conditions for life" center around water, the overwhelming majority being poisonous salt water. It's as if it's supposed to fool us into thinking all this water is life-sustaining, yet it's all a facade.
What is the purpose of having all this useless water everywhere?

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Other urls found in this thread:

scienceabc.com/nature/world-oceans-become-freshwater.html#:~:text=Around 3.8 billion years ago,water on Earth was freshwater!

when in doubt blame the jews

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Originally, the oceans were freshwater. Over billions of years the salt and other minerals dissolved into the oceans.

It is obvious that at minimum the presence of water on Earth was not an impediment to development of life. Maybe other chemistries are more suitable for it.
You might like this paper:
"The ambivalent role of water at the origins of life" by Andrey do Nascimento Vieira, Karl Kleinermanns, William F. Martin, Martina Preiner.
Interesting. Source?

Look I’m not reading that. Complex life forms didn’t just materialize out of nothing. Nor are their complexities the results of millions and millions of years of small scale mutations. I’m not religious but anybody who truly believes in this SCIENCE! is an ignorant fool

>Around 3.8 billion years ago, when the Earth’s surface had finally cooled to the point where water vapour had turned to liquid, there was nothing but the sparkling, unhindered, purest form of water you could imagine.

>Yes, a really, really long time ago, all of the water on Earth was freshwater!

>However, that didn’t last long… the universe imposes its will sooner or later. The climatic cycles began soon after the planet cooled. Whenever it rained, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere dissolved into the falling water, making the rain slightly acidic. As it rained, it caused rocks to erode. From there, rainwater slid towards nearby rivers and streams, carrying along both dissolved and undissolved loose salt and minerals. These runoffs ended up in larger water bodies—seas and oceans.

scienceabc.com/nature/world-oceans-become-freshwater.html#:~:text=Around 3.8 billion years ago,water on Earth was freshwater!

Just google around, pretty common knowledge. Basically, the water was distilled from vapor as the earth cooled - so super fresh distilled water.

Ignoring the religious part, life must be able to function in the physical world, and this obviously happens.

Extremely low IQ thread.
>poisonous salt water
literally teeming with life.
>has never heard of evaporation

Are they really going to spread the final killer pandemic with bottled water?

I've shot the ocean

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this isn't our native planet

beach looks comfy, like a nice warm overcast day on an island

Gib QRD pls?

>this useless water everywhere?

how much of a cocksucker you should be to write that? you fucking piece of shit most creature live in sea and need salt water. fucking retard the creator did not create the earth for biped subhuman streetshitters like you

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>useless water
This is your brain on leaftardation, In all fields.

Kind of in its liver.


We are dysgenic offshoots of an interstellar species that resembles the "aryan ideal." Instead of killing us, they dropped us off on Earth to survive on our own, away from them so we don't mess up their civilization.

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dipper constellation, noyce

>salt water is poison
this has to be one of the most retarded things I've ever read in this sea of retardation

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You know what's not poison though? Those digits.

God I hate those dangerous barren oceans

Two... two.. two... two... weeks

Nah. Niggers aren't human. Your leaving out the part where their civilization collapsed. And Mars got nuked.

Niggers are among the worst performing groups (only the abbo is dumber)