Da Da Duh Duh Duh!

Annnnnd another one gone!

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we totally don't know why guize it's a big mystery

We tried to warn them. They called us anti-vaxxers. So now they're all going to die.

Another one added to the list.

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so what is going on? endothelial damage to heart and athlete's undergo intense aerobic exertion, therefore the damaged/weakened heart fails at higher rate under high stress?

Um, yeah, sure, I understood all of that haha

Not just that, they will be told it's you anti-vaxxers that are to blame. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't need to make sense. They will be angry and they are stupid obedient normies who do what daddy government tell them, including killing anti-vaxxers which is what they always wanted to do in the first place.

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they are trying to kill us all and once their plan is uncovered it will be too late. society will collapse as it starves and strokes out.

Its a mystery!!

All I see is that intense exercise coupled with young and seemingly functional immune system both lead to death with the vaxxies. I'm no doctor nor scientist.

Good thing the anti-vaxxers own all the guns.

steroids weaken organs and heart
when these bums do PEDs their body adjusts and is able to survive

the vaxx erases the path your immune system has created for your survival while massively abusing your system.

yes, yes they are..

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>doctors baffled

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The toxic spike proteins are designed to cause immune system failure and cancers in the long term, but in the short term they cause severe vascular inflammation resulting in fatal blood clots. This is particularly affecting young male athletes.

anyone remember seeing that dude who worked out then sat down on the stairs and immediately had a heart attack and died? some ripped 32 yr old dude? shit's fucked

I was able to save most of my extended family and close friends. I may be a conspiracy theorist, but I'm a credible one. So most of them believed me and saved their own lives by not volunteering for depopulation. My mother in law took the shots, and now she's in the hospital with blood clots in both her legs and sepsis as a result.

i recall him looking like he had never been to a gym before

Exercise increases blood flow. Spike proteins in blood stream irritate blood vessels. Heart can't keep up, dead vaxxies. Shot replaces immune system with specific antibodies that only work against the current "variant" but leave you vulnerable to literally every other infection. It's a bioweapon they brainwashed a significant portion of humanity into injecting themselves with

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they say there was an audible pop before he just keeled over

whats the lining on the anal canal called? is it true its only 1 cell thick? is this why fags are getting more sick after being vaxxed?

The vaccines form blood clots. If you're a lazy fuck, the clot dissolves before reaching the heart. But not if you're athletic.

Exactly what is happening with faggot pox

>fags get jabs
>jabs give AIDS and herpes flare ups
>fag community already ripe with AIDS and herpes
>go to 50 man piss pride orgy
>spread the herpes flare ups

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I told both my parents no shots they got 2
I don't think they getting anymore
brother didn't get any
pretty sure everyone else I know probably got them

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Do U have a copy of his autopsy u can post OP

check'd & kek'd

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ya sure I'll go ahead and get the other thousands of athletes autopsies too user...
I'm sure it isn't the jab

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Football players in their prime-time shape drop dead suddenly for no reason all the time, nothing to see here. Boy, I sure am sleepy

So you are posting on Derya Ozdemir's Opinion