What’s wrong with me?

Just quit another job. No call no show, yeah fuck off boomer. $15 an hour at a call center office job, casual wear whatever. For some reason I just couldn’t do it. I was fantastic at it. But where’s the incentive to wake up at 7am everyday and make it to the office by 8am. Sit around a bunch of black people and Mexicans and some white boomers and take 100 calls per day. I had a 15 minute conversation with an 90 year old boomer about $1.49 piss cups. It made me wonder what’s gonna happen to millennials and zoomers? We won’t get Medicare or Medicaid lol who’s gonna pay for our piss cups? Do you realize not only is there zero incentive to work but there’s no retirement for us which makes it even worse. Also, I asked for a bank loan with a credit score of 740 you can get a mortgage of $1500 of month with $37.5k down. Lmao yeah fuck working especially with inflation. There’s no chance. How are millennials and zoomers ever going to retire with 401k’s? Boomers are getting six figure pensions. We are fucked. Btw a lot of us don’t even have health insurance lmao I quit I’m going to the dispensary instead lmao

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you fucking zoomers better work (so you can pay taxes)
who the fuck is gonna pay for my retirement social security if you can't keep a job?
you just a lazy fuck


I get 10 bucks for lumberjack job and 10 for back breaking c0nstruction job.

I would kill for that comfy job.

>what's wrong with me
>I want to live my fucking life for some reason

I'm thinking based

also I love weed ayy lmao

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Let it rot.

i had a pretty cushy job that i quit recently because employers thinjk it's totally fine to promise a raise after x months and then not deliver on it when the time comes because they think you're replaceable and worth nothing
imo a huge part of the problem nowadays is nobody is truthful and employers are deceptive
also all the good places to work where quality mattered and they didn't care if you busted your ass just make the shit the right way got boought up by corporations who dont give a fuck about anything

There's a time for peace and a time for war.

Guess what time were in now? Yep.

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Work sucks, and there is zero incentive to work. I make 20$ an hour doing pest control. Just walk around spraying. I rather be homeless.
Death to all nonwhites

Weed literally fucked up my motivation I know that’s partly why I just walk off jobs but at the same time who gives a fuck I’m not gonna waste my opportunity to live at home stress free and Fap all day because later our lives will be hell on earth as we struggle to survive paycheck to paycheck when our parents are gone. does it really matter? Not really just enjoy the neet life it’s much more chill even if can’t really do shit else. I traveled already anyway. It’s nice to smoke a joint and know I don’t have to do a fucking thing all day long. $15 an hour isn’t even worth it not to mention gas prices lmao

Look you whining fag, I'm not a boomer but my father was, he didn't have a pension, he built up a 401k that he funded himself, and he retired comfortable. A little each month is all it takes. Fuck you people are the biggest bunch of cry babies.

i love the ripple effect you can make with all the co-workers when you just say fuck it and quit. Some boomers at the same level as you get actually mad, like you are betraying them personally.
>i wish i could just quit this easy as fuck low paying assembly line job too mememelennial but i got a family to take care of and bills to pay!

Yeah end of the Kali Yuga and I can’t wait I’m tired of normiecon office shit every fucking day.
>hi bob
>hi Stacy
>god I hate these people

That's a whole lot of text to admit being a loser and a faggot.

Daily remained general labour strikes where people stay home and do nothing are not vulnerable to agent provocateurs BUT (and a big but) also manufacture consent for boomer voters pushing through automation deregulation. The boomers will drag us all down with them.

You get paid $15 hour to talk on the phone and you are complaining? No wonder boomers want to replace white people. If you can't get up in the morning and talk on the phone do you really deserve health insurance and a decent wage? I'm surprised you haven't been outsourced to India or another poor country.

Lol I no call no show. In about 5 minutes I’m going to start getting texts and emails from HR boomers. Her name is Kathy and she’s so gifted that on my first day of work she send me an email that said 8-430am and then proceeded to call me all morning at 8am asking where I was, then she admitted it was her mistake. In her words- “I put the letters on the wrong side of the time” boomers can’t format time.. Should I dab on them and screenshot it for Any Forums?

>seething kikes

If it’s not work from Home then don’t fucking call me then nigger

Working is for losers. Enjoy inflation you’re actually working for peanuts anyway

Your hard work keeps you healthy and sane. Sitting in a call center isn’t comfy. The only advantage is less risk of injury.

I agree. It’s cold as fuck in an office too. It’s actually pretty horrible compared to psychical work. Also, everyone in that office is obese

The boomers dragged you down before you were born. They emptied America’s coffers into their pockets. That’s the real redpill. Boomers made a deal with banks that their children would pay higher interest rates.Up to 3 trillion dollars

I own a house a brand new car and have multiple bank accounts . Oh all my bills are paid too and I have no debt . Yea I'm such a loser . I should really consider moving into my mother's basement so I can be a cool kid .

Good goy

Mr. Sheckelberg is very proud of you.

Yeah you probably went to a 4 year uni and took out huge credit debt. And if you’re a tradie? No thx I saw many men greater than me end up piles of shit from trade work, those fat niggers can’t even walk up a flight of stairs at 55 years old. No thanks

Probably born in late January.
Am i right?

Early February

I didn't finish high school . Nobody has ever given me a job or done anything for me . I started at the bottom and worked my way up. Now I'm super cozy and entering my prime .

Present day is like, if the dumbest nigger on the planet, couped America, is making decisions for America.

My only explanation.

Niggers have no vision for the future. Look at Africa and America and Europe - shoot out kids to the point of a populace surplus. But a population surplus requires increased production - how many niggers care nor think about production increase? Or even the work involved - what if some of the materials for production increase, are rare and cannot be increased?

Niggers don't think. Shoot out kids, demand welfare, then threaten war when Whitey don't measure up.

This system never was gonna last long. It's miracle enough we got this far.

But the games with these Niggers and retarded Jews, needs to end, in my opinion*