I'm really fucking afraid of our future...

I'm really fucking afraid of our future. Experts are consensual that we will be experiencing drought and these tropical temperatures every year. The white population is dying, mainly because young women are ungrateful whores who prefer to ride on a dick carousel. More and more shitskins are invading Europe. Inflation is all-time high.

Man, I wish I never was born.

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>I wish I never was born.

And yeah, there are also kikes destroying society. Great life.

>Experts are consensual

Says what now? It's been the same temperatures for the pas 50 years more or less, just because they paint the maps red does not mean it's getting hotter

come outside retard

>shitshskins invading
>rise in temperature and drought
Not that correlation is causation but really makes you think ....

You don't care bc you live in the north, but in continental Europe this summer is really unbearable.

I feel ya polsk.
Not to mention modern day work sucks, wages sucks, people sucks, relationships sucks, modernity sucks.
Fuck this shit. I'm only 21, but feeling more shitty and more depressed every day. I've tried with different jobs, I'm not a lazy bum by any means, but on the other hand it's 2022. Fuck modern day shekel worship and fuck modern day work ''ethics''. Fuck me man.

> June and July this year
> so hot I'm swimming ball soup all day
> August comes
>13°C to 15°C in the mornings, hasn't gotten over 27°C during the day
And this is the Midwest in the US. Feels comfy man. I'm down for an early winter.

Good thing about living in Balkans is that you are already prepared to live in apocalypse.


>I'm really fucking afraid of our future.
Fuck off, it's war time again soon. I can't wait to build a new Reich.

>it's hot in the summer so the world is ending
The power of polish intellect

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Hans, take your meds, you're tripping.

I don't expect from mutts to understand things more complex than eating a burger.

You live in a country that is still 99% white. Don’t be a little bitch and do your part. Make sure it stays that way, find a good wife, marry and pass on your knowledge on to the next generation. White people don’t get defeated that easily, we’ve ruled for a long time and the world needs us even though it doesn’t deserve us.

We are living in an pre war time right now, it's just a maatter of time until a strong leader emerges to lead us.

Collect your Check now Agent Shekelstein.

same, I was a seafarer, construction worker, factory worker, office wage slave and I finally become a hack. Most comfy positions are working for the government.

I think about Tropical Europe and I get a hard on. I wish we made Dinosaurs real too so we could return to monke properly.

>I was a seafarer
It sucks doesn't it? I spent two years hauling cargo inside a ship around the World and I fucking hated every second of it.

>Inflation is all-time high.

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I just need to make it through today and tomorrow and then it’s smooth sailing until the next wave

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seeing our idiot leaders in Berlin making one retarded idiot decision after another, year after year hardens the hate against 'Demcracy' and all these 'liberal values' when you cannot afford to be permanently demoralized by their incompetence and faggotry. Just saying!

fuck merchant navy, joke like, joke salary. My brother ears more on a production in Norway than I have as a third mate. Inland shipping is a bit better, but not much.

quit being such a softcock that's just an average spring day

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>I never was born
Do a flip then, you whiny pussy. God gave you this one life, so you struggle and make the best life you can.

It's almost cold here today

hallo ibims 1 führer, gib 1 stimme und ich vertreib die jud

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checked and voted

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things are bad but at least you are in Europe.
Imagine being an Amerimutt and sharing a country with 42 million literal niggers. Now that's a black pill.

Maybe there is a lot of reason to be afraid for the future but we know that of for chan we are not really common peaople. Maybe some of us fantasise about apocalyptic future.
So what oldfags thinks about this:
Have you seen an increase of worryness and of the feeling that the hard time are really close, or does the intuition of the coming apocalypse is stable and the same then before?

Not my problem, I guess. :)

things are polarizing.
people are either rabidly loyal to the current regime or full of distrust bordering on outright hatred.
i think both stances are reaction to an intuition that things are getting bad

maybe in Australia, enjoy your skin cancer

when the bread and games stop you people will finally have an incentive to make your country great again, but in the non gay way.

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WOW you believe in global warming you gigacuck

>Man, I wish I never was born.
I share this feeling, but it has nothing to do with the fearmongering propaganda we're currently being fed.
Nothing's alright and everything's fine at the same time. World has always been shit.

Lol, if I were a rich mountain kike I also wouldn't complain.

Keep coping. The system is designed to make sure that will never ever happen.