Holy shit, John Wayne was heckin based

Holy shit, John Wayne was heckin based

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That's an impossible goal so it would imply permanent supremacy.

Shut up niggers.

He clearly knew the day wouldn't come.

he was a fag

its more like functionality actually. the problem is that even educated blacks are tribalistic power grabbers who want to do away with the successful traditions of the past. blacks are just smarter adversaries now, which is not a positive occurrence.

He loved himself some Mexican wimmin though

he hated fags

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I'm pretty sure John Wayne was a stage name, and he was a jew.

guess not.
from Kikipedia:
>Wayne had Scottish, Scotch-Irish, English, and Irish ancestry.

Marion Morrison wasn't it?
Anyway, he should have been cast as Dirty Harry. The role was ideal for him: a irritable somewhat slob-like guy, who is sidelined by those around him as an antiquated dinosaur until the btfos the villain of the day using his old fashioned methods.
Clint Eastwood was way too tidy and refined for what the role called for.

>Literally everyone with any modicum of power is Jewish
I'm fucking tired of teenaged Neo-nazis. I could literally quote Hitler at you and you'd say he sounds Jewish.

Let's use science and logic.

What do niggers like to say to propagate White Extinction?

"Whites are gonna be extinct! So give up. The future is a mixed race."

Math time - how old is the Human Race? 20,000 years? Whites were around for 20,000 years? But all of a sudden, now Whitey gonna die?

And back to niggers - niggers were around for....20,000 years. All of a sudden, niggers are gonna hit the books, because now a few of them have White DNA, and can be smurt?

Get fucked. Niggers are trash. Want respect, earn it.

>he hated fags
likely cover, you should have seen him and Brando crying when James Dean died

Crying in mourning over a friend is not faggotry.
If only you had been blessed with a capable father figure to teach you about masculinity instead of your mom's fuck buddy that week molesting you

Faggots are the ones who show no remorse for killing each other with butt fucking and shit eating faggot diseases like aids and nigger pox. Literally no remorse for killing and raping little boys.

It's not even based, as he implies an arbitrary amount of education will enable blacks to behave at the level of whites. The city of Chicago tried this experiment and it failed. It failed so hard that instead of uplifting blacks to white standards of civility, the entire city has been dragged down to black standards of uncivility. Once the last remaining whites flee, likely within the decade, it will be a Detroit tier city.

>That's an impossible goal so it would imply permanent supremacy.
but the thing is you spend most of your time and resources trying to civilize and satisfy them anyway, even when it's 100% clear that it's leading nowhere except worse and worse and worse outcomes for everyone

Oh yeah?You mean the white supremacist who married three times all of them Latinas lmao.

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He has no beard