/ALBERTA/ Under Siege by Larpers

As I predicted, Smith & Co's 'Alberta Sovereignty Act' is a complete LARP. A Province cannot enact a law that violates the Constitution of Canada by claiming authority it does not have. Nowhere in Smith's rhetoric does she offer the option of secession which is proof she's not going to defend Alberta's interests in any meaningful way.

----- NEWS -----

>Premier Kenney calls leadership canditates proposed 'Alberta Soverignty Act' "nuts" and "illegal"

>Hinshaw & AHS managers raked $2.4M in bonuses during pandemic

>Unknown/ill-defined causes of death #1 killer in Alberta for 2021

----- UCP Leadership Race -----

>Eligibility to vote membership deadline has now PASSED.
>Election October 6, 2022
>July 27th Leadership Debate
>Next debate scheduled for Aug 30

----- Reading -----

>Alberta's History (11 Volumes)

>No Other Option: Self-Determination for Alberta

>Alberta Has the Sovereign Right to Issue and Use Its own Credit

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This has been debunked

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>Nowhere in Smith's rhetoric does she offer the option of secession which is proof she's not going to defend Alberta's interests in any meaningful way.

The only way Alberta can get a better deal from Ottawa is by asking them for one. The entrenched Ottawa elites are under no obligation to cede any of their power over Alberta especially if Alberta has no bargaining leverage.

Threat of secession is one of the few actually powerful bargaining chips we have in our disposal. Short of that, the powerfully entrenched east will do nothing except become annoyed by Alberta's whining.

>A Province cannot enact a law that violates the Constitution of Canada by claiming authority it does not have.

That's the point you stupid mongrel. To trigger a constitutional crisis.

How would there be a crisis? The federal government would simply take the Alberta government to the Supreme Court of Canada, which would rule in favor of Canada.

There's already a precedent set by quebec


I'm quite aware of "Ho! Canada" and Rogers R Smith. Whatever claims may be true is irrelevant in this context.

Lol. Quebec makes laws all the fucking time that are counter to federal law.

Go on (in a nutshell).

Oh yeah, AND WHO WILL ENFORCE IT? Have the Alberta police arrest the RCMP trying to enforce it.

>King of England: You can't secede from the British Empire
>George Washington: You can secede these nuts fag.
Until it isn't

If it came to that I wouldn't doubt the Lt. Governor of Alberta would dissolve the Legislature. Kenney had a good point that the Lt. Governor would likely not even sign the Act into law in the first place. The last step in any provincial law being passed is for the Lt. Governor (appointed) to sign it.

OP is a fucking fed doing damage control. There is zero reason not to vote for the person promising to do this *even if they didn't do it*. It's the best possible option. This thread is pointless fed cope and they can fuck off.

And only us will get away with it, deal avec mon chum.

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Which is the definition of a constitional crisis.

A government (of Alberta) passes a law that is obviously a violation of the constitution (Canada) thereby creating a conflict.

The constitution outlines the law as obviously illegal, but ruling that way and striking it down creates a crisis in confidence since the central government is rolling over the wishes of the people's elected representatives.

But if they don't strike it down, then the central government loses governing authority.

This also doesn't get into the problem of the Notwithstanding Clause. Quebec routinely invokes it to violate the Constitution, so Alberta may attempt to do the same.

What if Alberta invokes the Notwithstanding Clause to ban Mosques? Quebec does the same type of thing - so does the court rule against Alberta and make obvious the double standard or do they permit it and allow for further constituonal erosion?

Courts ruled quebec had the right to leave Canada in the 90s

Then you get to deal with the 2 million people who said yes we want the fuck out.
How are you going to fare?

They'd appoint a friendly Lt Governor you stupid fed fuck. Regardless, the Notwithstanding clause makes the point moot. The provinces have ultimate authority to invoke it just like the shithead feds, of which you are.

He's a limp dick fed. All fields.

There is no reason whatsoever for the vast majority of Albertans to want to leave Canada.

Except for keeping their own money and not getting raped by Agenda 2030

You are a moron.

I knew a dude like this.

He had basically overcome depression by meditating, but then (at the time) he couldn't find a snopes article so quit.

His depression came back. Until he GLANCED at a list of links to studies done on meditation and started again.

Do you see how weird that is? He trusted the media more then his own consistant direct experiences in life.