I love how this movie tried to pin all of Obama's failures on the Bush Administration when it was Obama's weakness that...

I love how this movie tried to pin all of Obama's failures on the Bush Administration when it was Obama's weakness that caused it.

Zero Dark Thiry also applies.

At least 13 hours laid the blame where it belonged.

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It really did and it should be brought to life how retarded the elite are

This movie proves everything we did in Iraq was correct

Lmao this movie is why Liz fucking sucks and lost

The real blame ought to have been lain at the feet of Bill Clinton. His neglect of foreign policy in his first term either created or exacerbated nearly all of the things that have troubled the American empire over the subsequent 30 years. The Soviet Union fell and the American establishment decided that the world would be safe forever.

Because she was a liberal the whole time faggot

You are 100% right

You have to be the gayest turbo boomer to actually have a desire to sit down and want to watch this type of movie.

It’s a fun movie if you pretend Cheney is being pic related the entire time as a sort of shitpost.

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You have to be the biggest faggot alive to not realize that this movie was the biggest propaganda movie post trump they failed ever

Making all these le boomer memes won't bring back zognonald

Dick Cheney is a fucking faggot, just like Obama and you.

Neither of them are a bigger faggot that YOU



Yeah, but it was pretty entertaining. Imagine going to see a movie for any other reason than to be slightly amused for an hour and a half. Nigger, if you want to learn something, go read a book.

Maybe that's why I never watched it.
Like I said previously, this is the type of movie only faggot turbo boomers would watch.
You don't know what you don't know.
I don't know what the movie entails, but I don't have to because it's for boomer faggots, like you.

I just like my nigga patrick bateman and watch all his movies

Bush was a legit retard.

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Damn, did it insult Red Team? That disappoints me. I always root for Red Team. I hope Mr. Noseberg, our team manager, gets over on Mr. Shekelberger, manager of Blue Team. Our star player, ZOGnald, needs to get back on the field.

Was there a single scene dedicated to Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, and the Office of Special Plans that lied us into Iraq?

I know Bush Senior was an entrenched establishment old money WASP goon on top of being a spook but him not getting a second term right at a time where geopolitics was changing drastically was such a loss it's not even funny.

There's nothing wrong with going to the movies for a little entertainment & handing your enemies some of your hard earned money, so that they can then turn around & use to undermine your way of living.

ITT nobody actually watched this propaganda film

Bush made an entire nation unify and hate pedo worshipping mudslimes
patriotism at its finest
fuck you zoomer faggot
he is one of the crusader kings

This is a pretty good movie

Bush ears chicken

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True. But I love how it portraits Bush's incompetence and Cheney's rat-fink nature.

I only go to movies because my wife is forced to stop asking me questions for a little while, she has to wait until the end of the film.