The Truth About Testosterone and Violence/Political Angst

Over the years, I have come to the conclusion, that Testosterone is not the cause nor the reason for male violence. Now, I could be wrong and I am open to correction and all information regarding the topic.

Testosterone has been demonized in the media as the cause of much bloodshed and violence, however, I have always postulated that it was high estradiol levels that creates violent men, not testosterone.

Yes, we can refer to studies on niggers possessing higher serum testosterone, genetically, coupled with the Warrior Gene, but I have a creeping suspicion that this may be due to high estrogen levels.

Does testosterone affect men's political affiliations and the way they vote?

Let us, in good faith, discuss this, please?

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750 checking in

Nobody who is under the age of 50 and doesn't have an endocrine disorder worries about their testosterone except for closet søys who feel alienated from their sense of masculinity and think that they can bing bing wahoo their way to it by making a Number Go Up, same thing with guys who brag about slaying thotoids

What most people seem to get wrong is the properties of testosterone. Test is not le angry juice jews always wanted you to think because they want viril men to feel dumb down and straight up "dummy". Truth is testosterone increases blood flow, brain functions and health, increase number of glial cells and protects myelins cables between neurons. Also testosterone induces neurgenesis in older males and made them more sociable in younger males which means in revive their brain. Now the aspect of men psychee test acts on is drive, not violence, so yeah you'll be more likely to use violence if deemed necessary with testosterone but no, you will not feel the need to zct voolently without reason or just because of an urge. Remember, women were the principal group of witnesses during public executions in France, liking or being entertained by violence is not normam, testosterone is also a psychic bandage, it helps heal from potential traumatizing occurences. Thus the reason women are more prone to hysteria and low T men seem more unstable and angry than naturally high T men.

estrogen HRT gave me more rage than I ever had before. Dudes on T are super calm and chill.

btw you're forgetting progesterone and DHT as variables

Say what you will but Joe Rogan seems friendly and reasonable and he gets 50 shots of that shit a day.

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This is what I know and have been my experience.

So, to illustrate what you and I are agreeing on here: Bodybuilders are very chill dudes and they even tell you that "roid rage" which is tantamount to aggression while being on testosterone, is a myth. Now, this could be bro-science, or it could be true in the sense that there is an inverse relationship between estrogen and testosterone--the more testosterone, the higher the estradiol level.

Here is an article that I found interesting, from (((Scientific American))):

Conversely, men being around men raises testosterone. A prime example of this is the prison population, where testosterone levels are elevated and there is violence. How much violence? I am uncertain, but the general conception is, a lot.

I suspect that estrogen is what drives violence and in the prison population, it is the insecure men whose estradiol levels are at an all-time high. It is my hypothesis that the desire to dominate is born out of elevated estrogen levels.

>progesterone and DHT as variables
Will you expound, please?

I hate testosterone and all those who have it!

I would rage about it, but I'm not full of evil toxic masculinity. So instead I'll report the thread :)

People who have wild imbalanced ratio of test/estrogen are inherently unstable, its not about the absolute levels of either, regardless of sex.

Roid rage is not caused by high test, its caused by a rapid increase in test that has not yet reached equilibrium with the chemicals in the blood that uptake and/or down regulate test in the body. This goes equally for people that take estrogen or test-blockers. It's the sudden imbalance that makes them emotionally unstable.

And yes, there is absolutely a direct correlation between testosterone and independent/leadership qualities. High test tend to want to take risks in order to care for themselves and others, low test want to feel safe and have others care for them. You can imagine how this might influence political affiliation.

natural E in men can become T but there's no pathway that does T to E directly. But something that increases sex hormones will increase all of them.

Fat will increase E. By a lot.

Estrogen makes your fears more intense. Think fight or flight. Estrogen also enhance hippocampal neurogenesis. So more sensitive to entering fof and when you do it creates new permanant patterns. That's how you end up with people yelling rape when a man just sneezes.

T is a simmering anger that can stay on a slow boil and not affect your thinking pattern

E is a cup of coffee. If you move too fast it becomes a storm. The contain will stain the cup forever.

sudden hormone level changes will create strong emotions... what changes it? intense stress, being made a cuck at work by your boss, bad diet, bad sleep and intense emotions (think movies and netflix binges).

Women are very uncooperative and bitter in the workplace. This is no surprise.

>natural E in men can become T but there's no pathway that does T to E directly. But something that increases sex hormones will increase all of them.

What about aromatization of testosterone?

When my levels were like 2000ng/dl, I felt like drop kicking school kids I'd pass on the street

progesterone is precursor to cortisol, when cortisol levels increase, progesterone levels decrease

DHT is T that has gone through its super saiyan transformation. It changes your behavior more than T itself. It also lower the impact of stress in you hippocampus. Lots of things that won't have an impact on your T can drop your DHT. Also, DHT is what make some men go bald. Their body fight it. Bald men are mutants that will have a different effect from DHT, don't know in which direction.

DHT makes you mald and therefore is the true "rage" hormone.

Test before age of clear cut sign of shittier genetics


Black men have high estrogen, so this makes a ton of sense

>You can imagine how this might influence political affiliation.

Indeed, I have noticed this to be almost always Left leaning.

Weaker men are more liberal than stronger men.’s-muscle-power-influences-his-beliefs

Less masculine men are more prone to violence.

Muscular strength increases self-esteem and decreases depression, suicide, and hopelessness.

Weaker men are genetically more likely to support redistribution/Socialism.

I find this to be interesting and I am inclined to think it is true. Do you have anything to support this?

>sudden hormone level changes will create strong emotions...


Cooming is the cause of all violent thoughts and actions of men.

Coomer coom and lose vitamins, growthormone, testosterone, vital body nutrients, etc, all is lost when cooming. All of this could have been saved to build ones character stronger, now the world does not stop just because onself stops, this means the coomer expetiences a growing threat around him, he is becoming weaker while everyone else is becoming stronger, this builds bad thoughts, he becomes hateful at everyone else and its going to escalate to violent actions (mostly against himself, nobody want to be near the coomer).

there is T to E but not E to T. You're right by brain got too transed and flipped everything gender and hormone for a minute there

i dunno about that. I'm usually happy and sleepy after I coom.

>its caused by a rapid increase in test that has not yet reached equilibrium with the chemicals in the blood that uptake and/or down regulate test in the body.

Very interesting. Just looked into it. So, why then do bodybuilders take ancillaries to lower estrogen, other than to mitigate gyno and other feminine-related side effects, if an imbalance ration makes on unstable?


if anything, cooming makes you docile and passive.

had a buddy back in High school who lifted and met a guy with steroids beat his high school sweet heart and died from cancer even though he knew what he was doing look up Lyle Alzado