Is the world ever going to know a politician as good as this man or just slightly close to him...

Is the world ever going to know a politician as good as this man or just slightly close to him? It's unbelievable how good he was. He and his party gave glory to Germany and Europe, if it wasn't for the kikes in the Soviet union, England and America we would be living in heaven on earth. Hitler appreciation thread.

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He always knew. Somehow he always knew.

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Everyday I think about how the world would be if he won.

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Anyone can be saved with a good confession. Find Jesus and Mary through the blessed sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church.

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Nazis were sinners big time. Don't get it twisted

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>He and his party gave glory to Germany and Europe
actually it was the german generals and their soldiers.

The way I see it, he was a good leader who decided to reject globohomo, they didn’t like that so they made up all this crazy shit about him. Much like how North Korea rejects gobohomo. Who knows, maybe North Korea isn’t a totalitarian state at all.

>if it wasn't for the kikes in the Soviet union, England and America
Hitler was their puppet retard

In hundreds of years, people will have forgotten about Xi Jinping, Biden, Putin, and all those other leaders...
but they will still talk about Hitler like a mythological legendary character, like one of the most significant historical figures. We have lost the war, but I cannot describe the pride I feel to be part of this history, to have ancestors who fought for the right cause and were members of the NSDAP.
And for this fact alone, people in this thread will seethe at me! :)

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we won whether they won't to admit it or not, the ideology is as strong as it gets despite the kike trying to shut it down every single minute that passes

>Is the world ever going to know a politician as good as this man or just slightly close to him?
Oh, the world knows an even better one!
And unlike Hitler, whom most Germans spit upon today, this one is still revered among the people he led!

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Carl Jung described Hitler as a “Spiritual vessel, a semi deity, a myth: The man with the strongest Will that ever existed. German politics is not made, it is revealed through Hitler.”

Hitler has to be described in hermetic language to be understood. He had a mysterious power that caused terror in Goebbels: “At times, I think the Fuhrer is not human”. Since birth, Hitler was predestined, committed to his mission. He sublimated his sexual drive into a love for Germany. He was the Hyperborean Archetype, chosen to reinforce the Memory of the Blood – the Eternal Return of the Archetype.
And Ancient Wisdom tells us that the Great Man chooses his birthplace, his destiny. He incarnates the Collective Self of superior mankind. He stands heroically alone and prepares the dawn of the next Time Cycle. And even if He fails, other Great Men, not born out of circumstances, but predestined, chosen, Men above Time, who see the struggle in a cosmic sense, will continue the fight. For eternal things originate in darkness and silence – and they will endure.

Hitler will reincarnate into Kalki at the extreme moment. He will awaken the dream, infuse heroism in those that remain loyal – and He will save the Race. For, as He said: “If I win the war, I will have given a mortal blow to the Jew. If I lose the war, their triumph will only be for a brief time.” Hitler lost a battle, not a war.

Its actually pretty fucking crazy how awful things must have been in soviet controlled ukraine for even crypto commie journalists in the US to condemn them.

> coauthored with Orthodox Jewish historian Kevin E. Abrams
kys jew

soviets had one fucking job and it was to keep the genocide hidden but even that they failed at doing, truly idiots

Hitler was undoubtedly the greatest man of the 20th century, perhaps the greatest man to have ever lived. I doubt we will ever see another man who will cast such a shadow. The full magnitude of what this man achieved, what he represented is something that I only realised later in life. He was the last person, maybe the only one, who posed a serious threat to the global financial system that enslaves us all. For that, they have tried to slander him as a devil, a monster, something not human. Because the knowledge that he was just an ordinary man is what terrifies them more than anything else.

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And they still chose communism lmao

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made up stats, try harder next time

Imagine still believing this crap

too bad the absolute majority of germans are taught to self hate themselves, stay proud germanbro

>tfw my country played a positive yet not widely known role in the Führer kumpf

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How are you affording copium with all that inflation over there, kraut?

We say Hitler won the war, even losing it, because the world knows what he did. The new generations already know it, despite everything that has been done to keep them ignorant. Faced with the inevitable failure of the two systems the Jew controls, bourgeois capitalism and communist Marxism, National Socialism (Socialism that is National) alone shines like the sun, Boss Work against Boss Money, whether this be metal, paper, plastic or electronic. And so that humanity not see this sun and love it, the Jew has invented all those crimes and genocides of Nazism, trying to divert the view of those who want to face the sun. They succeeded, but only for a short time until the youth awoke and tired of the repeated and blatant gross lie. A situation already in process of irreversibly fulfilling itself. Because in the world of symbols and miracles that belongs to Hitler, Destiny moves a golden pendulum already coming back.

>"Landstorm Nederland" first battled the British at Arnhem as part of a hurriedly organized self-defense brigade, but during the winter of 1944-45 it was enlarged into a full-scale 12 000 man infantry division. In the spring of 1945, the almost exclusively Dutch "LN" SS Division gave the British and Canadians fits as they tried with little success to advance into northwest Holland.
>None of the Allies could figure out why so many Dutchmen chose to join the "Landstorm" Division, so to avoid embarrassment, the story of this unit has been largely suppressed ever since.
>For the Dutch volunteers, there was no motivation problem. The Allies had joined with the Bolsheviks against not only their homeland but what they perceived to be European civilization as well. Like their fellow countrymen on the Eastern Front, the men of "Landstorm Nederland" fought with a dedicated resolve.

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>refused to gas the kikes
>helped establish Israel
>lost the war
>killed himself
Go 41% yourself you faggot nigger kike. We don't like (((Hitler))), never have and never will.



>Hitler was undoubtedly the greatest man of the 20th century
So why didn't he gas any of the kikes, Moishe?

>Communist democracy

if only you knew how many nationalities fought with us, even arabs and turks had their own legions respectively, that is before the kike decided to destroy them with wars that still go on to this day as a punishment, those that fought with us proved to be eternal enemies of the jew and he will not go down until he makes sure they are destroyed