Did you fall for the (((evolution))) psy-op ?

Do not question the (((science))), it is settled.
Consume the materialistic goyslop.

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oy vey

goyim you are part nigger doncha know?

you "evolved" from shit stinking rapist gorilla zoo animal niggers, don't be antisemetic

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I do believe in evolution/change but I think we humans have been around for a lot longer than 100,000 years.

I made this joke info-graphic making fun of the out of Africa theory.

Attached: The White History.jpg (1201x1116, 986.32K)

> Don't look at science and fact, instead worship this Jew god we made for you
> You will get heaven if you believe in him and stand by, you can't hurt us Jews or you will be punished in the afterlife

yeah you like religion right user?

Attached: 415-4159303_evil-jew-hd-png-download.png (860x1058, 144.51K)

Don't worry about genetic continuance, white man. The theory that genes matter over long periods of time is just Jewish nonsense. Christian creationists will tell you there's no evolution that we're all of one blood.

Attached: oneblood1.jpg (308x462, 47.09K)

Evolution =/= materialism. In fact, most models modern evolutionary theory does not even stipulate that evolution is sufficiently explained by natural selection and random mutation. Plenty of space for a theistic designer in evolution if that's your cup of tea.

Yea I did. I’m sort of questioning evolution since everyone questions everything now, especially because of COVID. Only other options are Biblical Creationism, Christian Identity Creationism or just not knowing where we came from. Kek or maybe Hyperborea.

science lovers when they die and they don’t see pitch black but instead have to answer The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all their useless acts and words

prove your religion, any religion will do honestly. So far most of the major events in Christianity have been disproven. Doesn't even matter honestly, most religions say they reward you in the afterlife for being a good person, not for blind faith.

I don't understand - you're trying to refute evolution on the basis that it is somehow Jewish - by using the words of an obviously Jewish professor?

> surprised when the (((zealot))) can't convince anyone with >80 IQ

>So far most of the major events in Christianity have been disproven


Cope more, death will bring oblivion and eternal nothingness, pray as hard as you want that’ll be your fate as it will be everyone elses

Look at the flood for example. Geological records disprove the fact that there was a gigantic flood. Also disproves that there was a mass extinction of creatures anytime within the last few thousands of years.

Buy a tee

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Oh sky daddy isn't the psy op? Try again Christcuck

> ti's I, the argument from ignorance fallacy

Post nose

Earth is flat with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Never went to the moon.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Dinosaurs never existed.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship Satan. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.

Luciferians are behind liberalism, feminism, socialism, marxism, communism, multiculturalism, egalitarianism, social decay and degradation.

They despise, and want to destroy:
- Religion, specifically Christianity
- Family
- Nation
- Property

Hence these civilizational concepts are under relentless assault to make way for their satanic New World Order led by the Antichrist after a fake alien invasion known as project Blue Beam.

ALL of these conspiracies hinges on the original, mother of all psyops and hoaxes: Earth being a ball floating in nothing, revolving around the sun (remember, the satanic cabal are pagan sun worshippers..)

Christ is King.


youtube.com/watch?v=tuKwz0MEawI [Open]

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Anyone into evolution should be very against eating goyslop, very pro-religious, and skeptical of the benefits of outbreeding. They should also accept the importance of group selection and distrust of outsiders as winning survival strategies. Basically true Darwinian thinking is strictly based.

Nobody said the only option for swallowing materialistic goyslop is to worship a jewish god.

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Correct. We haven't figured it out yet.

Alternative, pardon my ESL.

I can believe we descended hundreds of thousands of years ago from East Africans but never believed we were anything like Sub sarahan Bantu and the recent evidence from studies reveal as high as 20% homo erectus admixture within the sub sarahan gene pool. This suggests they descend from a population of lazy degenerates who stayed behind and fucked literal monkey men for centuries and became modern day bantu blacks and niggers.