Every Fucking Time

I need your best "every fucking time" examples. writing a chapter in pic related and need help. if you have most depraved, despicable, degenerate shit that was proposed by the chosenites in the media, post it. it would be nice if the source and date was visible in the pic, because I will include only those instances that can be verified.
I'll even take off my eternal memflag so the filterers see this too. really need help

Attached: Liber Exitii.png (586x774, 1.13M)

Len Blavatnik owns 1/3 of the global music industry.
He's also a staunch Zionist who owns a Israeli chemical weapons conglomerate.

I need something like "Paedophilia is not crime, just another sexuality expression. t.Schlomo Goldberg" like pic rel
but thanks for that too

Attached: Jew every time.jpg (848x818, 56.68K)

Don't you know Stegosaurus are in charge?

Attached: The Stegosaurus are in charge.jpg (1383x1147, 293.3K)

How would you even add that to a book? Are you actually going to stick a bunch of screenshots in it? That would be tacky.

I'm writing the book, doofus

I know you're writing it, but are you going to transcribe all of these posts into it, or are you going to directly link the pictures? If you do the former, then probably nobody will believe you. If you do the latter, then it's tacky because adding links to a book is stupid.

I'm going through the archives while the Any Forums navegazes and yes, I'm transcribing the pictures if I verify them, if I can find non pic source, I copy the text from ze webz.
Twitter message, (((Sophie Ellman-Golan))), 2018 February 11:
“#ConfrontWhiteWomanhood has an official website! Check us out and sign up for our next workshop (NYC, 3/4) to learn more about the ways that white women and constructions of white womanhood cause real harm and violence.”

Alright man...
Well if you do add links to the book, make sure they're archive links only.

no links, just the source and date. links do look ... tacky, as you said. I will bind the book myself, this will not be an "e-book" though I might consider releasing it digitally as well
first volume is already done and undergoing proofreading (tedious fucking work which I hate with all of my heart)
the second volume is already 220pages in

Sounds like a pretty cool project.
Do you have a website or anything that I could follow?

nope. I'm one of those anonymouses :)
the project is actually a history book of contemporary times. I'm documenting the collapse of Western civilization. I hope to bury the book in lead container after I'm done. and one example will go with me to the grave, if I can manage that.

here are some of my bindings from the first batch

Attached: IMG_20210814_135116 Redacted.jpg (2976x3968, 2.09M)

Woah, that's so fucking cool
How do you even do that?

dood, the entire knowledge of the world is two clicks away and you ask me that? come on, mate :)
if you really interested in book binding, look up Das Bookbinding on jewtube. excellent educational vids

Any Forums being awfully helpful again, huh ... going through recent files, perhaps I saved a highlight.

Attached: leaving_pol.jpg (447x448, 58K)

Checked and thanks brah.

Attached: eternal Lithuanian tips helmet.png (967x1011, 842.7K)

oh, it's you again...
still playing the "prophet" and sputtering derps on that shit thread?

Nah, no use for that anymore. Shit thread mostly useless too by now, only good for keeping contact with those where I don't have other channels yet.
No luck btw in the files, only plandemic and economic shit ...

Attached: nascent_psychic_powers.jpg (600x600, 40.12K)

Ok that one perhaps. Dunno, sure there's better.

Attached: you'll_have_an_axe_wound_and_be_happy.png (582x763, 178.25K)

it's OK, don't sweat it. I'm not a hapless zoomer who doesn't know he's on internet. found almsot all I need on 4plebs.
and nah, your pic rel doesn't fit

Attached: they live.jpg (1024x790, 119.33K)

that one's very good. too bad it is hard to put it in the book, it being a collage. and sources and dates are practically unreadable
still, thank you very much!