What is it about Poland that makes it so damn comfy?

What is it about Poland that makes it so damn comfy?


Attached: shutterstock_426144475.0.jpg (1200x800, 346.07K)

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The clean toilets.

Why do they cover up their faces? Are they embarrassed that they were made in Poland?

Small country, rich history old traditional culture, lack of diversity

nationalists. They often hide their faces. acts similar in that regard to antifags.

they avoid law enforcment

>What is it about Poland that makes it so damn comfy?
So many things.

Attached: BasedPoles.jpg (1920x1280, 810.81K)

Retards have not learned to lift the house off the ground. Half meter is nice. You don't need to change the logs every 5 years but 50.

its a 3 for 2 lifestyle

what was that swampnigger?

1k+ years of struggle

Attached: 1636052976056.png (200x200, 49.69K)

The peasants that framed that house were high af

Attached: fixed.jpg (1200x800, 1.12M)

It's not, it's a shithole
Most houses there don't look like that, obviously
Polish villages are ugly and depressing, as are the towns
Most poles are subhuman animals
The same goes for Lithuania and the rest of Eastern Europe
The only based and comfy and cool eastern Europe is southeastern Europe - the Balkans

>Half meter is nice.
Rookie numbers.

Check the windows as well, although i'm fairly sure it's intentional.

Attached: Haus.jpg (1440x1080, 714.07K)


Based, thought about building one of those myself out of concrete and steel.

not really, they were using the wood their had and probably preped themselfs. Those aren't factory sized building with materials from the lumber yard.
Also probably 60/70+ years old. After WWII the shape of the window wasn't as important as not living in a pit durning winter.

I'm just poking fun m8, I know.
This building is akin to a dacha, a lot of them were hand made with little to no tools as well. Which is impressive.

No woman will live with you in that old shack.

>Also probably 60/70+ years old.
Older than that, if that pic is where I think it's from, most of these pre-date WW2 by 20~ years, and the use of blue in conjunction with wavy lines and patterns was meant to symbolize water and promote fertility.

It's obviously very rudimentary (but beautiful) construction, but I would suspect the slightly askew angle of the window frames rising up to the door way is actually very intentional.