What's stopping you from making your own WHITE town?

What's stopping you from making your own WHITE town?

Pic related, White Boer city in South Africa where no nigger is allowed.


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I still remember when louis theroux went there and the locals were unashamed and racially conscious. I hope they break off one day from the corrupt state

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Kek, once the nigs find out about it, they'll be coming over in droves.

The lord smile on your blessed quads

I’ve heard Orania’s comfy but I wouldn’t call it a city, it’s pretty small. Curious to see it grow in the next few years

If it became a city, the ANC negros would try to invade it.

they can't unless the put up an apartment complex which are mandated by law to have at least one low income family aka nigger family as residents

archive . ph/JXDvT
OP is a nigger.

The real indictment here isn't that a whites only town exists, or that it's flourishing.

It's that under Apartheid, blacks in landlocked parts of the continent had water trucked in every day for street sweepers to wash their roads and when Apartheid ended they went back to doing laundry in potholes with rain water.

Three years past, anyone know if they are doing alright there? I heard there was an unfortunate gender imbalance with too many male newcomers compared to women

Likely this unfortunately. They feel entitled to everything that we build because they’re too retarded to build anything better than tin shacks themselves

>whites only town is successful
>ANC nigger government starts seething
>run Expropriation_without_compensation.exe

>Orania was created in 1991
Orania is basically a millennial. No real companies are going to do business in a whites-only city. The government will cut their funding and support because racism is illegal. It's Dungeons and Dragons. They somehow set up this intricate fairy tale world, but most people think it's weird and want it gone.

>the locals were unashamed and racially conscious
They moved to Africa and then tried to separate themselves. Imagine a guest comes into your home. They don't speak to you. They go into a room and don't let you in. They are rude as fuck. You wouldn't think they're "unashamed." You'd think they're a rude, insane cunt.

>They moved to Africa and then tried to separate themselves. Imagine a guest comes into your home. They don't speak to you. They go into a room and don't let you in. They are rude as fuck. You wouldn't think they're "unashamed." You'd think they're a rude, insane cunt.
Are you talking about 3rd-world migrants in the west?

>They moved to Africa and then tried to separate themselves. Imagine a guest comes into your home. They don't speak to you. They go into a room and don't let you in. They are rude as fuck. You wouldn't think they're "unashamed." You'd think they're a rude, insane cunt.

Yeah kinda like all those dirty samalians who keep coming to my city here in america and taking up whole housing blocks, turning the neighborhoods to complete garbage and taking all the resources?

Oh wait, Africa has no resources. Because they come from us.
the white man.

The white man is more than entitled to this land.
because anywhere the white man exists, it becomes good.

Chinese owned restaurants in Africa won't hire blacks or accept their business. Can't call it white supremacy when it's the yellows doing it.

They’re fine, still growing but they’re not big enough to bite the crazy hamburger and secede and they probably won’t be within the decade.
They probably won’t be able to, not in the >Gom and dake it :DDD
sense so much as I doubt the army and police don’t have the capacity to anymore
The home analogy is fucked. Most of the land we settled they came down once a year to milk bulls and then went back north prior to our arrival.

This is unnatural. They should be in Europe, not Africa.

Bantus aren't native to South Africa. It was pretty much an empty land for Dutch settlers, with some Khoisan hunter-gatherers living in the north.

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Typical fucking burger education. Can you not even conceive of why there might be racial animosity in Africa? Do you have any idea of the politics that have played out there? Of course you don't know about anything outside of your immediate surroundings, you're finna suck they nigger cock fr ong, no time for anything else

Europe is africa now you retard.
Africans have been in europe for decades now and as you noticed from the past summer europe now has african weather as well. Your time is over

south africa was largely uninhabited before whites moved there.