Why does everything suck so bad now?

I’m not talking about the faggot shit, the nigger shit, the kike shit. It’s just fucking EVERYTHING now. Absolutely fucking everything. The way people act. The movies at the theater. The TV shows. The video games. The parties and social life. Like goddamn. Maybe you older Any Forumsacks won’t get it, but I’m in between Gen Z and Millenials, and everybody is a fucking retard now. I don’t mean haha look at the new tik-tok challenge, these kids are so dumb”. I mean you can’t find a single person to talk to that’s not a complete fucking idiot. Nobody is interesting. Nobody’s funny. Nobody has wit or charm. Good goy or not FUUUUUCK. Can I find one person to talk to that understands basic social cues? Somebody who isn’t medically retarded or should be diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome?


This is one of many many many videos I could link, but I want everybody reading to contrast the social interactions they’ve had over the last 5 years with this video. Have you met anybody who seemed nearly as witty? Talkative? Interesting? Anybody who had opinions other than “Durrr I haven’t heard about that before”? Look at any video from the 60s, 70s, fuck even the 80s and 90s. Is it the internet that did this? What happened? Why is everybody so dreadfully fucking boring?

So far all I can blame is the internet. I’m half tempted to sell my PC. If looking at good screen for too long makes you like this I don’t want anything to do with it. FUCK SOCIAL ANXIETY FAGGOTS. GO TALK TO PEOPLE. GO HIT ON A GIRL. GO DO SOMETHING. THERE’S A WHOLE UNIVERSE OUT THERE DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE FOR FUCKS SAKE. Teddy K was right. The industrial revolution is going to violate everything that made being a human cool. There’s no pride to take in this anymore. It’s not only revolting beyond words, but it’s painfully boring

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You gonna tax the rich, take away their money like taking away a gun from a crazy teenager?
You're just going to keep on sucking Bezo's dick?
You're going to keep on sucking off OPEC+ dick?
Cool Loser. You're death will make the world a better place.

Teaching kids using internet its been a mistake. Internet should be used just after 18yold,except for education purpouse,at class.
But thats not how its been done. A generation that hasnt interactúe RL with other humans, that tells anybodu willing to listen him that is "bisexual" whatever is is virgin,and they even pay money for pics instead of using free porn. Ofc everything is worse

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First post shit post. What the fuck are you talking about.

Part of the problem. Stop cranking it to A FUCKING SCREEN. Go dump your load in a real hole. It’s not nearly as hard as you guys make it out to be.

This has to at least be a big part of it. Humans are innately lazy. If you’re given the opportunity to satisfy your basic human needs cheaply and vicariously on a screen, apparently well do it. The problem is that government can’t keep up with the speed at which technology is developing and culture with it. Say hello to the “I need a Xanax to order burger” generation

The biggest issue is modern socialization. Prior the technology children were mostly socialized with actual social interaction. Random kids in the neighborhood, social functions and the like. Older people were socialized via TV, and it had its problems but you were still watching 2 or more people interact.
With phones and social media the "socialization" is basically one way, either from reading posts by yourself or being talked at from videos.

Prior to*

Its a problem bigger than it seems. From what i remember from my teen years,sex was seems as sth mythic until done. Meeting RL with other teens was vital in order to develop normally. But now we have a generation that hasnt developed normally.
I think placing social media just for over 18 wouldnt solve all problems,but would solve some. Simps would drop a lot,as most teens would have either some sexual exp wothta girl either sth similar. As always used to happen,but not anymore. So now we have simps,and people saying that a 29 told shouldnt mate a 20yold. And that a vagina isnt neede to be a girl kek.
I blame internet used by kids.

the jews are are converenting everybody into introverts through technology.

Only the retards are breeding. Western civilization is running on empty, prepare accordingly.

This has to be it. It’s the only thing that would make sense. Can you imagine what people were like before any of it? It’s the 1500s you live in some small village in Northern France. It’s a festival holiday and everybody’s at the local spot. They’re drinking, they’re eating, and they’re absolutely letting fucking lose. You know the dances, the songs, and the girl you’ve been eyeing for since you were 14 is eyeing you right back.

This are the moments we’re designed for. To be amongst your community. To be among friends and peers who have all the same traditions you do. Who get everything they can out of these moments because there is no good screen. There’s just good company.

Just you dude.
I live in a downtown area, an friends with everyone in the building. Made a ton lf friends in the gym i go to, my coworkers like me I met my gf at the gym.
I agree everyone is retarded but since im not people like me and life is good.

Don’t get me wrong. The Jews are responsible for plenty. And if the question is if they’re using tech to demolish us, the answer is yes. BUT, it really is a lot deeper than that. I think even if every Jew disappeared overnight, this wouldn’t go away. Competitive necessity demands rapid technological advancement. As it stands, there isn’t a single government on the planet that is designed to deal with this kind of shit efficiently. You have clueless boomers grilling mark Zuckerberg on shit that doesn’t even make sense half the time. My only hope is that this results in some kind of significant disaster and we’re all forced to learn how to manage it.

It is that too. The incredibly dysgenic breeding habits we’re seeing aren’t helping even a little bit. Who would have guessed raising a bunch of mulatto kids on YouTube would end poorly.

I really don’t want to say this in a way that’s gonna come off like I’m trying to big dick on here. But I don’t have any problems getting people to like me. I don’t have a problem with girls. That’s not an issue, the issue is finding somebody I have even the faintest interest in hanging out with. I’ve got my lady, but fuck me if the pickings aren’t awful here out west.

then who was phone??


Yeah nah your right, everything has become shittier and shittier every year with no end in sight. Most people are boring af these days. Then again, most social activities that used to be a normal part of adult life 20 years ago are a shell of what they were. Most people seem to also lack common courtesy and basic respect for others now. The US is becoming a depressing and dangerous shithole, much like the former Soviet Union.

This isn't really as much of a technology problem people (probably jews) make it out to be. For example, jews killed the smoking culture. But if smoking somehow revived, you'd get a lot more people hanging out and just talking. Men, women, and strangers. It also activates the mind and wit. Talking becomes a lot more fun.

As for online dating and shit women and men, that's also the fault of jew conditioning. Men have been trained to be afraid to talk to women, and women have been trained to be cunts.

Instagram and only fans turning everyone into simps and that's? That only happens because of the degenerate sexuality the lauded in jew media.

My assertion is that it didn't have to be this way, but the jews made it so for their own gain. Parasites thrive on a weak host.

>I think even if every Jew disappeared overnight, this wouldn’t go away.
It would solve the problem relatively quickly until a new parasite race develops.

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Consumerism and rampant narcissism with a dumbed down society