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Reddit is the gayest place on earth


Demons are not human babies.
Demons are not killed when they are exorcised.
Demons are not real.

Take your pick as to why this analogy is retarded.

Imagine thinking this is funny
It is funny that it marks these people for KOS

>comparing baby murders to demons
This liberal gets it


Connection terminated.
The only good daimon does its job quietly, never to be seen or heard. The ones who dare speak up almost never mean well. Of course, that's assuming there is such a thing as a remotely benevolent non-man entity. Also, the ones you talk to in your head aren't real, I'm sorry, for those of you who fell in love with the voices you made. Your childhood screens and novels sold you a colorful world of vibrant characters, all while all interesting folk are at least 25 miles away. When you've been sold such a contrasting lie, it's expected for loneliness to kick in. For those of you who don't need to cope, congratulations, you can move onto your next struggle.
>captcha DJ4TVS

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this time i have to side with christcucks

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>demon arguing for demon rights
Honestly I'm surprised it took so long. Just wait, they will get more deranged once they realize what sort of revival is taking place.

I don’t feel so good, christbros...

>equating a pure baby soul to a demon

Aren't exorcisms just telling a demonstration to go away and stop raping a person's soul? It's in the name.


Any Forums is not a jew christcuck board. We are based lgbtq pagans

It’s incredibly bigoted towards Christian doctrinal belief too.

Demons are evil and are not living or at least not Good, therefore unworthy of God’s creation until they accept his love.

Fucking retarded.

What is that post supposed to accomplish? Do they think Christians will support abortion now because of some snarky comment about demonic possession?

don't care, didn't ask, plus you're a demon

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>how will Any Forums ever recover?
Christ is king.

How has nobody mentioned that getting pregnant is a choice and entirely preventable?

The schizo who thought this up probably thought it was clever.

didn't read plus you will never be a woman

Exorcise your anal demons OP

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Exorcists will continue doing exorcisms FOR FREE to free humans from devil posesions. Deal with it

that poor lady had her human sacrifice system taken away, how will she please satan now?

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Remember, kill all witches. God wills it. Tolerance and apathy are evil. God commands us to destroy evil and rebuke people for their sins.

hello fellow witch hunter

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My Bible says 18:23 is ‘magic potion’. Not that I’m arguing with this post, just wanted to add that different wording.