What the fuck is happening? Why are so many people voting??????

Attached: tshibaka_comin_in_hot.png (748x435, 40.19K)

people finally realized that all the rinos need to RAUS RAUS RAUS!

Please for the love of GOD get Murkowski OUT OF THERE

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>people finally realized that all the rinos need to RAUS RAUS RAUS!

Attached: RestoreToMe.gif (544x533, 2.93M)

rolling for kellyy

Ranked voting is why

Who and who?

Ches, bro?

>dyke v kike
Wow I love democracy

Which one named the jew?

Some dyke bureaucrat vs jew who got given a seat by her dad
Both RINO’s but one is a trump RINO

Murkowski is a kike neocon, Tshibaka is a Trump populist

So you have to vote against the kike for sure.

RINO down

Murkowski is the one of the US Senators that voted in favor of trying to lock up Trump over "muh J6"

a wet rag is better than that bag of bones

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rollin' for kellyyyyy

It was only rank choice for the congressional special election

MAGA can win only if you get out and vote.
>but democrats cheat
If you think you can't win because they cheat , you've fallen victim to their democratization strategy.
Just go out and vote.

If haiwaii has an open primary trump should try and primary that asian bitch


what will happen is in the second round of ranked choice, the democrat will be eliminated. the next choice of those voters is going to be murkowski over tsibaka and murkowski will win.

I live in Anchorage, this state is a political shithole and nobody knows it because we're American Siberia

She’s not Asian, just gay for one
Peak cohenservatism

Every time the republicans get a good thing going Murkowski is one of those who vote left.
How are alaskans these dumb and unaware?
Is she paying them off with subsidies and welfare?