Why does Any Forums have so much contempt for the poor?

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I don’t
I have contempt for the government

the commies have more contempt for them. They just want to use them so the unwashed masses make them the new 1%. Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system

Higher taxes on the rich will help the poor.

Because I have good boomer parents who didn't sell their soul to the devil and as a result lived a life of poverty, but raised their children to be educated and intelligent. Basically I'm a white guy who lives at the same level as most of the shitskins in this country and my inability to separate myself from them has redpilled me.

the rich will either leave or avoid paying the taxes through various means. You also assume the state is going to use the extra tax revenue "correctly", which is more than likely won't because what constitutes "correctly" is up for interpretation

Idea, we kill all the rich kikes who hold 80% of the pot? Now that 80% is spread to everyone else!

Any Forums in particular is largely sheltered rich kids who've never had to interact with anybody outside their immediate family and social group. Why do you think they hate everyone and anyone different from them?

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Try giving a homeless bum $5. See what happens.

where do you expect them to go? the rest of the first world is just as tax happy if not moreso. I doubt these yuppie cocksuckers would move operations to some third world country just to avoid taxes.

if everyone starts at $1000 a loaf of bread will cost that much

pedophile child-rape activist, face the wall.

This. Most of us grew up as poorfags

> commies have more contempt for them
>They just want to use them so the unwashed masses make them the new 1%
Basically this.
The weird thing about trade for cash and in kind is that it happens outside the purview of government bureaucrats, party officials, and intelligence agents. It is inherently subversive, and commies would love to subvert, until they decide they want to be in power, and want to halt any and all strategic trade. This is all about establishing and maintaining a new oligarchy, which I know I will never be part of, because they want idiots who will follow orders without a second thought. Fuck them.

Why does Vaush thirst so hard for preteen pussy? Does the flesh radish grow tired of Jaba the Slut's moist folds?

you'd be surprised. As far as taxing money goes, how would you tax someone like Bezos who'se entire net worth is tied up in Amazon stock? None of these billionaires actually have billions of dollars when they stick their debit card in an ATM

He thirsts for babies, he has the mind virus.

It's so fucking unbelievably easy to not be poor in America it's akin to being morbidly obese.

All you have to do is put in the tiniest, TINEST amount of effort to not be a total waste of human life.
This is why morbidly obese poor people should be thrown in jail.

Crack pipe. But give him 5,000 and he'll probably actually do something with it.

Define "rich".
Do you mean people with high incomes (doctors, engineers)? Because they shouldn't be taxed. They're middle class and are the backbone of any country. You should be more worried about taxing people who own corporations. They pay zero taxes because they make zero money (their businesses do). Here's the kicker though, taxes work differently for corporations. You only get taxed on what you have LEFT, not on what you make. So if you reinvest everything you make back into your company you can essentially live tax-free. I bet most retarded commies don't know about this.

Having material possessions really doesn't mean shit.

Leftists hates anyone thats richer than them

Imagine believing this

What effort is needed?

Because that'd be fucking retarded. If you have 20k or more just sitting in a checking account you're a moron. Liquid assets are good for nothing.

He might as well be an A.I. for all I care. He is a glownigger asset through and through, a useful idiot in the purest sense.

Start by giving away 60% of your money to a cause

Poor people are typically lazy and stupid