Attached: redditrules.png (1119x6948, 892.63K)

A true bastion of free speech!

Attached: Selection_014.png (136x175, 33.84K)

You have to go back.

>Black Lives Splatter, Burn Loot Murder
I didn't know that one, will be using

Read this in the voice of a bespectacled whiny homo.

But please tell me someone from Any Forums wrote these rules.

>White people commit more crime
Not per Capita

Attached: rich vs poor.jpg (1024x512, 308.45K)

>some jordanlicker writes a wall of text

Redditos are fucking retarded, I swear. For such big brained philosphers they sure don't know how to read numbers or understand what per capita means.

What are the things you can't say about straight people, white people, middle class people, traditional or conservative people, or males?

Why must all of the moderation protections exist to protect the feelings, egos, and reputations of blacks?

>superpower by 2020
>in 2022

Because leftists know black people are retarded

It protects tranny degenerates too.
>didn't even mention YWNBAW
That's still fair game, apparently.

>Oy vey the goyim know that 13 do 50!


I'll give them credit, that's a very comprehensive list. Good intro for the newly red-pilled.

>What are the things you can't say about straight people, white people, middle class people, traditional or conservative people, or males?

Why must all of the moderation protections exist to protect the feelings, egos, and reputations of blacks?

They literally want white people to be racist.

I know when I'm being goaded

Imagine using a banter website that forces you to run your thoughts through a massive mental filter before posting.

Holy shit reddit bros, get in there and down vote that hoser!

they just put out a comprehensive redpill list that is going have the absolute opposite effect (streisand effect) and people are going to start to do their own research

Everything regarding Jews and Muslims is right, other ones can GTFO.

Should I be impressed or disturbed that this mod knows more ways to express uncouth bantz than I can comprehend in my many years of lurking this shitty basketweaving forum?

You should go back to Africa baboon monkey nigger.

I mean, get your woke sock puppet and just start mass reporting, virtually every single redditor hates bankers and the global elite.

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