Now that the dust has settled... Why is chug and uhg still a thing????

Lol lmao

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For the same reasons that /sg/ still exists

>Now that the dust has settled... Why is canada still a thing????

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>chug and uhg still a thing????
memes user, menes

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Bombs still dropping, still webms to watch.
That comic was God-awful Canada-wank.

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Taiwan was a nothing burger so some of your spergs still care about Ukraine.

Chud will never not be a thing, Chudly

>Now that the dust has settled
QRD? Did Putin finally job to NATO or did the Ukies get cucked?

Because they're reddit visitors who need a dedicated space to talk about their retarded bullshit, like a subreddit

Probably for the same reason that /ptg/ exists--- the funding hasn't run out yet. Shills will keep that shit alive 24/7 as long as the money keeps coming in.

Hey, /sg/ actually accomplished something, unlike the two predditor troon infested generals.

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It's a European thing, you lot wouldn't understand.

>uhg spamming gore
>chug spamming loli
There are no memes that come from either of those threads. They should be combined, rather than permanently taking up 2 spots.

I agree

Is the war over? I have not been paying attention at all.

Keep in mind most generals far exceed their lifetimes, like the covid general, the trump general, Certain “happening” generals like the volcano, the dam in China, etc.

PTG is more relevant than ever you kike shill.

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On that note, I’ve tried bringing this up before, but generals should not be allowed (or should have their own board). They are essentially consensus cracking operations. Newfags that come here to see something new on a topic are funneled into the generals; and with the covid one as an example, they are generally just normie MSM talking points.

All generals are shit, but it’s hilarious that ptg is still going. I didn’t have to, but after the election I was dedicated to keeping it going myself if I had to, if only because of how much uncontrollable seething it caused.

You are right but the problem is you take away the generals and slide threads there isn’t much left, though it be 100x times better.

Wow wouldn’t it suck if things were 100 times better? Sounds awful

Ukraine is still the biggest happening. tawain is nothing.


War isn't over. It's just that it progresses so slowly that normies don't give a shit and msm sure as hell keeps it on retainer.
>/chug/ - Anti-Ukraine/Globohomo, not necessarily Pro-Russia, organic, homegrown memes
>/uhg/ - blatantly Pro-NATO, forced like it's funded.

That's just autism.