Why are incels against onlyfans?

Doesn't it just make money and contribute to the economy and your virgin NEET gibs?
There are no arguments against it

Attached: 2EE03F88-B2FA-457C-880D-426D59016924.png (3840x2160, 14.95K)

>implying NEETs pay for porn
Not even NEETs are doing that, let that sink in.

Not against onlyfans but this is seriously not the way to earn money. Very few are successful.

since when are incels against onlyfans? If anything the majority of them support it.

"A fool and his money are soon parted," now the con-artist is successful and can continue living. This is why you don't defend scams, just because only an idiot would fall for it. All social media is garbage and causes people to be worse for it, and benefits those who are the least worthy. You're breeding disgenics in the name of profligacy.

money laundering front for ZOG

>Contribute to the economy.

No it doesn't faggot.

Because onlyfans is not a place to talk to women, it's a place to talk to shit skins paid to pretend to be the women while the women send them videos and photos over whatsapp (while on perpetual holidays) to upload on their behalf.

>Very few are successful.
You would wet your pants at the knowledge of just how many are making 12k a month and it's not just roasties but men too.

Because it has broken the traditional social stigma & normalised / mainstreamed pornography / whoredom.


Attached: onlyfans.jpg (632x569, 64.83K)

im not an incel and im against only fans, its just degenerate. whoever the owner of that website is must be shot dead thats it, its better for the world.

I don't even mind that god is dead. I'm just surprised so many people don't realize it yet

>There are no arguments against it
Then why'd you make this thread?

Yeah all 2 of them.

It doesn't add any value to society. How could you possibly sat cooming us growing the economy, kek.

Liberals are so fucking retarded

Correct. Whores used to be cheap. Now we've given them overwhelming control and capital. You faggots didn't like porn? It kept whores subservient to men. What you've now got is so much fucking worse.

COPE. What the fuck is with you faggots? You simply refuse to acknowledge what's in front of your face. Is your ego so fucking fragile that acknowledging the reality of just how bad things are would make you bash your head against your wagie cage?

Incels are literally the ones paying for onlyfans

It encourages women to be delusional about their marketability.

Because the audience is State subsidized. Mostly made up of government employees, Big Corp or people on welfare. The only people left with the disposable income to waste and the ones dumb enough to make stupid market decisions.