Our adversaries can't win

Listen up, you whiny bitch. It's time to quit complaining and do something useful.

No, I don't mean in Minecraft. I mean get your life together. Eat healthy and get fit. Build strong relationships with your friends and family, and grow your network.

The enemy doesn't have a path to victory. Go ahead, tell me. What are their strategic objectives and how can they achieve them? I mean really achieve them, not advance pawns and nip at our heels like they've been doing for over a century.

They're on a suicide mission, you stupid faggot.

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>The kike has no path to victory
Demographics are everything. The jews have won, by flooding every white nation with non whites, and then being allowed to indoctrinate them with genocidal hatred for whites. They also breed insanely and do it on tax payer dollar. Kikes are safe in israel nz and asia. They view the white race as amalek, and according to the talmud, are commanded to destroy amalek. White genocide.
Lets say best case scenario, whites in America wake up, take action, and take over the government. What to do with the nonwhites?

>What to do with the nonwhites?
Send the vast majority of them home
And then take democrats up on their idea about mandatory vasectomies

the real solution would be for whites to mass immigrate to a white nation, or nations bordering eachother, and start repopulating. This also has to come with reeducation of the white race, free from kike lies and brainwashing.
Also, in the previous scenario where whites wake up and take over the government, chinks and kikes will attack directly as this is happening. Will the non white military do anything?

how? realistically how?


>the purpose of life is being happy
I disagree

>Demographics are everything.
Not everything, but important for sure. Let's circle back on that.
>The jews have won, by flooding every white nation with non whites, and then being allowed to indoctrinate them with genocidal hatred for whites. They also breed insanely and do it on tax payer dollar.
You say they've won, but you haven't told me their strategic objectives. If they've "won," why are they still waging war?
>Kikes are safe in israel nz and asia.
Most certainly not true. No nation is ever "safe" or permanent. In fact, historically, they are quite short-lived and tend to experience periodic invasions and genocides.
>They view the white race as amalek, and according to the talmud, are commanded to destroy amalek.
Sure. Yes. Is that there only objective? That sounds like a loss condition for us, but I'm quite confident that it is impossible.
>White genocide.
That is a suicide mission. I'll explain...
>Lets say best case scenario, whites in America wake up, take action, and take over the government.
It's not that "whites" will wake up, it's that the managerial stooges, the corruption networks, the M&I institutions and so forth will eventually need to target eachother and themselves. Think on that. I'll follow up.
>What to do with the nonwhites?
There's a good solution. Still here, user?

still here. kikes have been trying to genocide the white race since roman times.

>It's not that "whites" will wake up, it's that the managerial stooges, the corruption networks, the M&I institutions and so forth will eventually need to target eachother and themselves. Think on that. I'll follow up.
im sure they will, the freemasons among and above them will be miles away.

Quality gif

doing 10 reps and knocking up my neighbor rn, hold up

>Send the vast majority of them home
That's not going to work unless it happens very soon, and it would only work for first and second generation families who don't have roots here. It could be partially achieved, but only voluntarily, and only because the privileges and opulence are cut off.
Now you're talking. Can't force that. It would arm our internal and external enemies with too much social ammunition. But you *CAN* offer generous welfare programs and require compulsory contraception while they're on the dole.

>kikes have been trying to genocide the white race since roman times
And yet, with all that time and with all the resources at their disposal, Soviet Russia was their most impressive battle victory in that regard.

No shit, what do you think I’m doing? My enemies need civilization to survive, while I thrive without it. Every step they take to destroy the hand that feeds them only makes my life easier.m, for example thanks to fentanyl floyd I can blow past cops at 80 mph and no one gives a fuck, thank you retarded liberals

they have successfully genocided the white race globally
nothing can undo the endless nonwhite immigration and their births alone. Not even going through the list of horrors' they bring with them and carry out.

the solution is to mass immigrate to majority white nations and repopulate and reeducate.

>im sure they will
They will for a period of time. In my analysis, the tyranny and the atrocities that are required -- in combination with the sheer number of command and control actors who need to be involved, who are involved mostly for the money or out of fear -- will quickly become fierce ideological enemies with their masters; especially when they are asked to turn the systems they control against their own friends, neighbors and families.

The managerial class will eventually organize against the cabal. And all of the weaponry, the robots, the capital, the spy networks, supply chains, trade agreements, and more, that you think these people control (as do they) will suddenly leave their hands.

Mutiny is inevitable.

>They're on a suicide mission
You are correct.
All of their being and operation is rooted in same principles that suicidal death cults have.

Christcucked morons are the worst.

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they are set up in the nonwhite world, and are constantly leaving white nations for safety. There is no way around endless nonwhite immigration in white nations.

Self help has historically been used on right winger to depoliticize them

You should self improve while still spreading you values

Being fit when your town will be 80% non white and everything goes to shit won't make a difference (see pic)

So what you said is necessary but not sufficient

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>All of their being and operation is rooted in same principles that suicidal death cults have.
What makes you say this?

Nice try kike, here is MY WEBSITE, get out.

There will be a small window of 5 years when enough people will be aware (I mean in Europe everyone is already saying I can't recognise my town/city from 10 years ago)

Some accept it "oh it's just how things are"
Other are pissed
The pissed people will increase year after year and then you will have a chance (in the US around 2036 & Europe 2050). After that minorities will have become majorities and it will indeed be too late

Nah, fuck you kike.

GTFO you fucking kike trash, leave Any Forums.

>they have successfully genocided the white race
I'm having a hard time agreeing with this to any serious extent. By and large, our cultural institutions -- poisoned and scarred as they may be -- still dominate much of human activity on this planet. A very, very large portion of Earth, geographically and demographically, speak our languages. And we still are the best organized fighting forces on Earth, with the best technology on balance.

And, um, yeah. There are still an awful lot of us.

nonwhites are already majority here in america and the uk. Kikes want this genocide complete by 2030. There is a small window of 5 years period and then the white race never existed.

Of course I kike will boast he's won, don't you know them yet? They're the lowest of the low there is out their. Kikes, fucking trash.

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Did you see the digital ID thing from Canada? That's their plan.
Track us like cattle like they have been for 100 years, while manufacturing every layer of current events from both sides, from inside their secret brotherhood.

All while keeping the populace entertained through endless bread and circus that they love so much they would sooner let them poison us with life-reducing "population culling" "subtle-death-vaccines" than give it up and live without television.

Suicide mission? What?
Suicide for what?

What are you even talking about?

I swear to christ you would think these fucking idiot jew glow cocksuckers would wise up at some point.
Can't read a room.
Couldn't get pussy back when it was easy, just creeped bitches the fuck out.
How bad is it REALLY paying for pussy?
Sex slavery?

Just do the honorable thing for once
Move to the sun

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>minorities will have become majorities and it will indeed be too late
This doesn't seem to have stopped our adversaries one bit. In fact, the resistance against them only made them more effective, more organized and more resolved.

I don't know in the US (I lived in north Texas from 1999 to 2001) and it was very white at the time, but I guess it changed (and I was a kid)

Urban UK is trending to majority non white (like every West European country) but it's still 70-80% white (down from 95% in 2000 so yeah it's bad)

>I'm having a hard time agreeing with this to any serious extent
because your ignoring the second part. Nothing can undo the 60+ years of non white immigration, legal and illegal. The future is they grow exponentially. There is also antiwhite propaganda encouraging white woman to race mix, white men to become woman, and for nonwhites to hate whites. Similar brainwashing was done to the boomers, the government even forced them at gunpoint to go to school with niggers. Whites a minority in America, since Obamas first term. The goal is global genocide of the white race. The same brainwashing and immigration is occuring in almost all white nations. In Europe they actually have an award celebrating this called the charlemagne prize.
Chink and Arab are more common than english globally, and also becoming so in white nations.

There hasn't been any real organised resistance (besides Charlottesville that was a major flop) yet too many people still live comfortable lives