How did woke SJW culture take over everything in just a few years?

How did the ideology of those tumblr bloggers we used to make fun of in 2013 become the dominant religion of the whole corporate, political and military establishment in just a few years?

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Massive media flooding with samethink.

The network was woven over decades, through the control of the universities they were able to create thousands of activists, journalists, politicians, etc.

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Zoomers need " The Great Aworkinging."

>How did woke SJW culture take over everything in just a few years?
Explained here in brief:
Many more redpills in that thread.

Mainly because conservatives and right-wingers refused to take it seriously, and then refused to fight back once it began to gain serious economic and political power. Instead, they simped for 'the job creators' (CEOs of increasingly woke, anti-white corporations), they completely ignored the entire university system (which was openly discriminating against whites while taking in trillions in student loan dollars), etc. You have to wonder if they did it on purpose.

>How did the ideology of those tumblr bloggers we used to make fun of in 2013 become the dominant religion of the whole corporate, political and military establishment in just a few years?

Power and Purity: The Unholy Marriage That Spawned America’s Social Justice Warriors
>by Mark T. Mitchell.
>Mitchell’s thesis is both simple and elegant: he contends that the worldview underlying a great deal of today’s progressive activism is a curious admixture of Friedrich Nietzsche’s reduction of all ethics to power and the zealous moralism of America’s Puritan heritage.

>But, as Mitchell correctly points out, few of Nietzsche’s latter-day disciples go this far. Instead, “Nietzsche’s Puritan Warriors” prefer to hover at the level of surface criticism, decrying modern civilization as pervasively oppressive while simultaneously immunizing their own premises from critique. Mitchell’s explanation for this apparent inconsistency is that the contemporary campus left simply lacks the courage to embrace the full force of Nietzsche’s work;

>The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority

>Americana Defeat in Victory

It was actually formed by the corporation’s from the beginning. To redirect the energy of the occupy movement and general dissatisfaction with the system. Then Obama made it so that corporations and banks could pay fines directly to “social justice” style organizations in lieu of having the money relieve taxpayers, and an industry was born.

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the american government and the CCP saw an element of useful idiots with which to destabilize the west.

the corrupt government and international bankers get to pull a nationwide blockbust, while making sure that china doesn't have an opponent to prevent it's rise to sole super power status to serve as the new base of global government

The Boomers who grew up with relentless self-hate propaganda on their TV movie shows and favorite song since they were babies finally got old enough that they held the real reigns of power. This is the result.

Because of this guy.
Also see

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>It was actually from bred by the corporation’s feel m the beginning. To redirect the energy of the occupy movement and general dissatisfaction with the system.
This is nonsense. The root is ideologues within universities that took repressive, authoritarian control of those institutions. They've turned entire departments into training camps for anti-White activists.

The Comming Age of World Control
>by Nicholas Doman
>Published; 1942

Excerpts from Chapter 1:
>The twentieth century will witness the descent of nationalism as the supreme political principle
>another principle, a principle more conductive to the realistic desires of the political elite of the victors in the Second World War"
>The relative displacement of religion as a political factor and it's survival as a cultural factor might indicate that the national sentiment will surpass in longetivity the national state system
>The planned new order of the Nazis prefers naturally the idea of biological sovereignity; Hitler " The new world order cannot be conceived in terms of the national boundaries of the peoples with an historic past, but in terms of Race that transcends boundaries...The cluttersome bric-abrac of national states has been uprooted by the pretext of German Biological nationalism and lust for power...

>The Reformation was largely accountable for the destruction of the UNA CHRISTIANA REPUBLICA and the enthronement of Nationalism in place of Chrsitian Universalism...When Luther proclaimed that each prince was to be master within his own territory he paved the way for conflicts within European Civilization...crushed the unity and universality of the Catholic World principle.
>The Mythology of political nationalism has to be annihilated and at the same time a mythology erected around non-national political world...if the nonnational world wants to command universal loyalty it must resort to inciting mythology and irrational symbols aswell...Nationalism will be depolitized as soon as a virile union can be established between a universal political formation and corresponding magnetic collective symbols

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Don’t leave out Tavistock and the London school of economics.

it reached critical mass in the universities and was heavily augmented by social media. Another factor that is not spoken about is corporate reliance on social media analytics to make business decisions.

The massive leftward skew of social media doesn't always translate to paying customers Also a lot of traffic is bots and shit like that and that is also throwing off analytics.

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I mean the direct line from 2013 until now. It all started with the Fabian socialists in the Edwardian age, but what’s the point of going back to HG Wells and the crew.

Not really, it has more to do with cost: benefit analysis of the individual trying to avoid what it perceives as a high risk (racism sexism kkk) vs the perceived benefit (keep job, income, future stability) and the exploitation of the survival of self instinct. The media framed the impetus, but the individual is responsible for their reaction. So really it boils down to how each individual considered the long term repercussions would play out and due to regression to the mean we see the average person is more afraid of the short term repercussions than the long term ones. Because we allowed (boomers allowed) this shit show to continue past peak EROEI in the 70s, we've been forced down a path of contraction and military exploitation ever since. This is the end game. Now we see how the stack resolves.

>How did woke SJW culture take over everything in just a few years?
Two things made it spread like wildfire:

1. It's a top-down revolution, it was financed by the largest wall street firms with trillions in funds. They're so powerful they direct FED policy, and can blackmail any company that won't push woke propaganda.

2. Everyone on the right was apathetic, in denial, and wanted to believe they had more time. They refused to notice the corporate, banking, and government sectors had aligned to push this shit.

No one would stop it, so it spread.

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BlackRock’s Aladdin actually runs the economy.

>It all started with the Fabian socialists in the Edwardian age
It certainly goes further back than that, to Jacobinists and the French Enlightenment, which Marx explicitly said was the direct inspiration for Communism.

In order to prevent the return of labor unions corporations have made up and exploited nonsensical “identity politics” to keep their workforces disorganized and divided.

The GOP is also largely to blame, perhaps more so. The Republican Party has traditionally opposed labor unions since at least the 1920s, and the goal of shifting towards culture war and identity politics was largely a way to prevent the return of class politics, the return of which would mean the GOP would lose elections and find itself as a marginalized party. When you’re the party of the rich which works overtime to pretend like you’re fighting on behalf of the common man, you can’t pull it off if all discussions are about why the rich deserve more and everyone else deserves less. You need a never-ending “culture war” to distract everyone, so you can pretend like you’re saving civilization while also causing the economic disasters which’re driving the dissolution of traditional American life.

This degeneracy the right always rages on about is literally being caused by the right. They feed the problems they pretend to be fighting against, and wouldn’t want it any other way.

>How did the ideology of those tumblr bloggers we used to make fun of in 2013 become the dominant religion of the whole corporate, political and military establishment in just a few years?
You really want to know user?
>Dear #GamerGate, UN feminism is more dangerous than you know
>On September 24, the UN released a reported entitled “Cyber Violence Against Women & Girls: A Worldwide Wake-Up Call”. I’m still reading the report, but it seems like another UN attempt to create a feminist panic.
> Their suggested solution to this supposed epidemic of “cyber-violence” is for governments to censor the internet! This is traditionally (and rightfully) considered the act of a tolitarian state.

>This was already enough to draw criticism from those concerned about free speech. However, the UN added fuel to the fire by involving Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkesian with their campaign.

1) ; Katherine Acey
>But Al-Qaws is just coming off a $100,000 grant from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. A decade of cash has poured in from the Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice, whose longtime head was Katherine Acey, an Arab activist, who had chaired the National Executive Committee of the Palestine Solidarity Committee, had served as an Open Society Foundation advisory board member, and a member of the Arab Women’s Gathering Organizing Committee.

> Astraea = Global Philanthropy Project. Same physical address. Partners include Dreilinden, Hivos, Fund for Global Human Rights, Open Society (Soros), and the Arcus foundation (the official gay movement that Clinton forced all the schools to support, which really a Rockefeller front)

3. The earliest supporters of Transgender are: Dreilinden, Hivos, Fund for Global Human Rights

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Corporates shouldn't be allowed in politics simple as. They're pretty much shadow government. Millionaires shouldn't be allowed to influence politics through money also using NGOs and their companies.

>BlackRock’s Aladdin actually runs the economy.
ESG is entirely based on the framework created by subversive activist ideologues within universities.

I mean it goes back to the jews opening the gates of Babylon to Cyrus’ army, but there’s a point at which one has to begin the story of the swarthmaxxing dickchopapalooza going on today.

It didn't take over, the hebrew media has gone to great lengths to make it seem that way.

>subversive activist ideologues within universities
Or shills. Don't assume the "researchers" aren't pre-filtered, bought and controlled.

It’s the other way around. Corporations don’t care if you want to buy a product when they have the power to demand you buy a product.

cell phones.

Inclusivity is specifically designed to isolate the politicially discontent.
First they make an ideal which embraces the most minor of the minorities. Like trannies. Or blacks. Or even pedophiles.
Then they feed you with blatant lies, out of reality propaganda, and scorn you for not accepting their lies.
The vast majority of people feel they are not "part" of this new trend, because they are not the minority. They are the majority.
And yet feel it is "wrong" to speak against the newly manufactured trend because it is seemingly the new "right thing".
Therefore people don't speak out. They don't rebel. They shy away. Ones who do speak out get called out for being nazis.
It is a way of controlling the populace.

It happens in HR Departments first. The Human Resources industry in the frontline proletariat.

Very well written.

>in just a few years?

Because it was just those few years between 2009 and 2012 that enough anti-discrimination laws got passed that the whole mass of them took on a life of its own in getting people fired from their corporate jobs or fired from the daily worker jobs at various companies. The NAACP was also unified in always trying to dox and file complaints against people with their employers as well just to shut them up if they spoke up at the local city council meetings.

As those years passed, both the Chilling Effect occurred in addition to many job positions that could make hiring decisions were filled by liberals.

>Ralph Wiggum, esq.