He won huh?

he won huh?

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Remember one October in 2017 Vegas?
they want him dead that bad.


He's deep state
Wag the dog
Dog and pony show
Good cop bad cop.
The entire government is run by satanists

He never lost

Eats his fries first! What next? Apple pie first?

This is how I know you’re actually really stupid I’m not nearly as smart as you think you are. If he was any of those things, they wouldn’t be doing every fucking thing in their power, illegal and otherwise, to make sure he doesn’t regain power. They don’t do this to ANYONE else.
That, and that alone tells me he’s at least mostly the real deal. Deductive reasoning is your friend

>Eats his fries first!
It's what any smart person would do.

never conceded either.

Protocol 12 controlling both/all sides.

It's theatrical. He said Clinton would be in jail. She's not. He won't be. Project warp speed? Good cop makes voluntary toxic vax. Bad cop comes in and steals the votes, nothing is done about a clearly illegal election. Supreme Court does nothing. Bad cop mandates vax Trump brought in. It's all evil, satanic elitists. They are all bad

You just figured that out?
Orange man may have been a massive disappointment but that nigger won.

>im easily corralled by bread and circus
Imagine believing pop-politic narratives. Its the equivalent of believing vince mcmahon totally hated someone in the wwe. Youre retarded.

Obama creates healthcare nightmare everybody hates
Trump promises to repeal and replace
Trump, a supposed conservative, removes the obvious tyranical layers of healthcare while leaving it in place

Conservatives cheer that the obvious tyranical parts are gone but don't realize they've been fooled into accepting socialism. Because Trump brought it to them... Only it was Obama, so the left love it, the right love it.
They tried the same thing with vax. People are easily blinded by these mental tricks


>big mac
>large fry
hrmmmm I don't think that's how it works. Based nonetheless.

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Yes but they wanted him to lose to stir up more shit. They can’t stop talking about him. They have to keep his name in the news. He is going to be the one to fuck us over. I voted for him too. It’s clear though. There is no bad publicity. They will probably indict him next to stir stir stir more shit.
Just breath and roll with the waves.

>People are easily blinded by these mental tricks
It's because people underestimate their enemies. People on Any Forums for instance will see a CNN headline and instantly dismiss it and believe the opposite, thinking that to be clever. Of course the narrative crafters know this as well, and account for it to achieve their desired outcome.

>coolface scarfing goyslop
Classic Trump



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Fries on a plane...must be fresh