China exposing the biggest hoax in America

Deputy Director of the Foreign Ministry just posted this tweet, implying that 9/11 was a false flag attack by America. Will the average joe try to investigate or will they think it's Chinese propaganda?


Attached: afsaf.png (509x609, 348.71K)

>implying that 9/11 was a false flag attack by America
Of course, he is. Because it totally wasn't Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other kikes who've taken control of America.

Why are Chinese anons ashamed of their flag?

What's the difference between America and kike controlled?

Attached: wtc7-building (1).gif (498x331, 3.03M)

Were your parents too poor to afford an Engrish tutor fo roo?

>implying america isnt part of those kikes

There is none, neither is there a difference between Russia or China and kike controlled. It's all ZOG.

Attached: (((China))) 5.jpg (1024x2355, 609.18K)

Attached: 1656868673429.jpg (900x1126, 105.61K)

Hi JIDF, you're up early today for the deboonking on 4chins?

Attached: 1650672770898.gif (1040x883, 264.61K)

But why? Is being Han shameful? Why do you almost never see chink flags on here? Why do they always hide them. Why do you use a nato flag? Do you love nato?

China is literally not real.

>post Tiananmen Square tank picture
>chinks got rekt immediately

There's a degree of Jewish influence in all these countries but its really not close. I would say America is 99% kiked, serving as Israel's foreign legion, while Russia and China are way lower. Russia allied with Assad and they attacked Khazar motherland, prompting rage from all the big Jewish bankers such as the rockefellers, rothschilds and soros

It causes confusion among JIDF shills. Your reply is an example ;)

>biggest hoax in america gets exposed
>golem reflex is to attack the messanger
oy vey

Attached: a97.png (600x705, 1.07M)

Not confused though. You’re obviously and insect and fool no one. Chinks try to imitate their heroes, the Jews, but they’re too stupid and low verbal iq to pull off proper pilpul.

if we know about the Mossad handlers of the Saudi hijackers, then China definitely knows
CIA let it happen because the MIC needed foreverwars to profit off of.

but perhaps its a false dichotomy and Russia is helping the Rothschilds et al kike faction to advance their Great Reset demolition phase with the war/sanctions against them

I know jews were heavily involved with China with Mao and before slanging opium... but are they now? They say they want to do what the jews do, which means they fucking know what the jews try to do to them


What book is that lmao

you're right to a degree, after all those are just pictures of figures and heads of states shaking hands and such, common, normal, proceedural.

China however was kindled by the Rockefellers. long story, it is an appendage, deep of globohomo and there's a completely compartmentalized gestalt. the soviet union as well, and hitler. but those are tales for another day.

all of these countries deserved it and it was very based