Be honest guys how long does he have left?

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They aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Better get used to that boot on your neck

At least 2 more weeks... then probably 2 more.

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they really let this mf sign nearly 800 billion away when he couldn't even tell you the color of his suit lol. i sincerely hope you guys steal as much money as you can and buy as many bullets as you can store, shit's pretty much over. there is no country.

He said he wouldn't be President if it wasn't for that nigger's wife telling him to endorse Biden for President. Thanks a lot niggers.

He sounded like a grumpy old asshole at that event.

2 weeks

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Mother fucker does not know where he is

He anit going knowhere, I dont know why you burger think there is even going to be a midterms or 2024 election. Biden is installed management for the chinise UN takeover. Chinise troops will move south the second Biden calls for the UN, and to remove Bidens DS regime you will have to do that. You won't, you will own nothing and be happy because your dead.

That's 4 jews and a nignog around him right?

With adrenochrome they can make it to 100 easily regardless of genetics

Not long now.

The man is not alive just like your nigger loving queen

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I can't believe my tax dollars pay for these low-effort tier demoralization shitposts. Wanna know why our government sucks? Because everyone in it is just as competent as you are.

He's going to get the Carter treatment. His own party base is already planning to primary him for not being progressive enough while moderates will blame him, fairly or not, for all the economic bullshit happening in the world. He's basically a lame duck. The only problem is that everyone hates Kamala more than him so he can't just step aside and endorse his VP, and outside of Gavin Newsome there are no nationally-known Democrats who would run against him, or who want to get down in the mud with Trump in what will surely be an ugly campaign. So he'll run again because there's no better option and then get primaried, which means he's going in to the general with limited money and a party that's fractured and Trump will clean his clock (assuming it's actually a fair election this time). At worst the Dems can thro him under the bus without sacrificing a younger up-and-coming Democrat to the buzzsaw that is Trump. The only way Trump won't run is if he's in jail.

do you really love america/exist as a democrat lmao please do go on

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Can't believe Nancy missed a photo op

Once I read a review of a shitty movie, Batman and Robin, in which the critic titled his review, "There Is No One In the Batsuit". Well, there is no one in the president of the United States.

Good luck with the surgery!

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Enough to die early fuck the president fuck the FBI fuck the secret service fuck the CIA fuck the police and fuck the sheriff deputy

>Monty Python theme song plays as Clown World fully kicks in

yeah, sure you fucking idiot, that's why pelosi visited taiwan right

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