Predictive programming thread - "fiction" which "predicts" the future

Who knew politics would get so weird and political correctness would get so out of hand? Well "they" did. Take Demolition Man, for instance. It's aged well.

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The last two seasons of the x-files. Yes the shitty ones. Watch em again. It is beyond scary

Hands down one of my favorite movies. The scene where they got tickets for using curse words kek
They don't make movies like they used to, such a shame.

I completely stopped consooooming any movie beyond 2010.
I have a big collection from 1960 upward though. 80s and 90s was the best time on so many levels

so how do the 3 seashells work

>he doesn't know how to use the shells

CGI made everything look worse too, and digital cine cameras were the final nail in the coffin. In the film days you'd spend a good chunk of your budget on film, it cost a lot of money and the bigger the scene the more it cost. You couldn't infinitely reshoot stunts either, they cost a lot of money. And actors had to be better so everything came off just so because redoing everything is costly.

With digital FX+cine, the only real expense is location shooting and the actors who "gig" so they have to stick around. Green screening and CGI backgrounds have essentially made stunt people obsolete, while at the same time made the amount of explosions you can cram into a frame infinite. So the actor just says their lines 500 times for each scene and the director and editor will huddle up with the producer and decide the whole movie, then give it to the computer graphics people who fill it all in. Movies only cost a lot of money for Hollywood accounting reasons now. But they're all gonna suck.

>I completely stopped consooooming any movie beyond 2010.
Respectable decision. I have said before that I would take any decade in film going back to the 1930s over 2010-2020; just comparing 2000-2010 against 2010-present really shows how absolutely pathetic recent movies have been.

Anyone ever noticed almost everyones wearing a face mask in the poster for söylent green? its set in 2022, and proper spelling of the movies name is prevented on Any Forums, think about it

Attached: soylent green poster hq.jpg (1756x1874, 1.44M)

CGI when used to enhance practical effects in sensible and smart ways can work but studios (jews) these days have decided to scrap the final bits of art from movies and turn them into souless assembly line money laundering enterprises.
Never again will we see movies like the Alien where the special effects guys, director, cinematographer, etc... all worked together to get the non real looking costumes to appear as real in the final cut.
It's all done by programming slaves tied to cubicles. It's sad really.
We also will never see films about short, simple and easily understood plots. Something like The Fugitive, The Professional, sucide kings, etc... would never be made today because you can't make a 200+ marvel like franchise from that idea.

You mean the 2016 reincarnation?

What the shit.

these arent predictions, they are your owners telling you their plan

you just assumed they were fiction

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onions green

We can predict the future by voting g to congress. Voting against data collecting and privacy. It might be to late to do so right now. But who knows maybe I'll work.


Predictive programming for the extermination of people.

Robocop was written by time travelers

Stargate because it actually exists.

Attached: Wraith Pepe.jpg (1085x618, 277.66K)

Every aspect of film has degenerated this past decade, so much so that a movie like Nobody, which would just be a really good B tier action movie in past decades, is literally one best movies I've seen in years. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when my friends go on and on about marvel movie #787 and how it's such a good movie. I don't feel like I'm a jaded cynical asshole but I can't see how they unironically watch Dr. Strange and can say with a straight face that it was a good movie.

Digital can be freeing for small enterprises, it doesn't have to be complicated but it mainly is for business reasons.

No, it was just the ecological paradigm of the day (overpopulation). I wonder what made (((them))) change thier minds?

Quick rundown for retards who haven't seen it?