African born in France is NOT French

>African born in France is NOT French
>European born in America IS "American"

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america was founded by white people
weak and stupid bait
go back to africa

figure it out, you can do it user
we’re all rooting for you

And have a dick in your ass, fucking nigger.

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If you believe that I am arguing in favor of Africans, then you are wrong.

America was still founded by white people.

>>African born in France is NOT French
who said that? normies love africans here, negrophilia is the national sport

Honestly a white american born and raised in France has closer claim than most Africans, I say most because I honestly wonder about Algerians, seems that can go either way. But I don't know, I'm an American this is just speculation.
Has it always been that way? Is this a result of the revolution destroying the old ways and loosing the uneducated on the world? I;ve seen the German propaganda, y'all loved the fuck out of jazz and many american negroes moved there and wrote home that France was freer for blacks than America. That one jazz lady lived in paris and had a tiger. I forget her name, you'll know though, Im sure.

Any Forums
I pray for the day that European souls wake up from the daydream of the American LARP. Any non-mutt, white "American" needs to realize that they are just out of place Europeans.


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The angry American LARPer, without a single thought in his head, replies with a cartoon reaction image.

The only people who can rightfully call themselves Americans are the WASP decedents of the people who created, founded and subsequently inhabited the United States of America. Plus a few Dutch and French thrown in. Everyone else ‘European’ or not is a fucking guest. And that goes for all the micks, shitalians and (((Eastern Europeans))) that were let in from 1850-1920 en masse.

>French-blooded person born to American parents in France IS "French"
>European born to French parents in America IS "American"
It's convoluted but it ultimately makes sense. America is a pan-Western-European empire.

Imagine a big fat African having the same passport as you.
Clown world.

if your ancestors came to america after the civil war you are a tourist and dont belong here.

America and Europe are meant to be white only. You can put an European into America and they will integrate easily and vice versa.
You can never take the African out of Africa but you can never take the violent, retarded ape genes out of the African.
The world will either heal or crumble

Edit (syntax): You can*
Edit** thanks for the gold kind stranger :DD

That wasn't how it was originally. It was very easy for a white euro to be naturalized but his children wouldn't be American in 1800, they would've been wherever their father hailed from. Birthright citizenship is based on a faulty understand of the 14th amendment. Shortsighted supreme court decision decided that being subject to the jurisdiction of the US was simply being present on American soil. Which is not true, go fuck a kid Thailand, it may be legal there but if the feds get wind you get prosecuted. Extreme example sure but it proves my point.

>nigger born WITH a tongue
>it must seek my ANUS at all cost
why are niggers like this?

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>African born in France is NOT French
Kek, african born in Apefrica is french, in fact, everyone is french, you too. Just apply for citizenship.

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Funny how all the shitskins around the world can freely have access to white nations' citizenship, but how it's impossible for whites to get citizenship in any shithole around the globe....
Really make you ponder how we will be welcomed in other parts of the world if WE become the migrants one day..

Old world used Law of the Blood, New world uses Law of the Land

New world bad


>New world uses Law of the Land
More like Law of the Jews

And France use both ! Everyone is fucking french.

You can buy citizenship in shithole countries for relatively cheap, last time I checked Jordan (not that bad) is 40k. There are cheap places in South America too. I haven't checked but my gut tells me Nigeria would be cheap and grateful. Then again in poor places money talks anyway, find the Jewish center of power and make friends at a bar or coffeshop.

Once you reach a certain density of niggers, it doesn't apply anymore. Even normies eventually reach nigger fatigue.
t. 80-85% of my town are niggers

I checked the nigger fatigue index, it’s near all time highs, orange almost red

There used be zoos so you can ogle without danger. I want to see what a bantu looks like, or a pygme, and whatever those black hobbits are in Africa that the explorers say clicked at each other and the other africans ate as bushmeat, but I don't want them running around my town in a loincloth with a blowgun hunting angel pussy.

>European born in America IS "American"
No, he's not.
Only natives and beaners are american, you are a nation of immigrants.

40k USD is a fucking fortune for a shithole like Jordan. What happen if you don't have the cash? You get ousted.
And no matter how rich you are, you never gonna be able to pay for a best Korea or Chink passport. Because being part of a nation and culture isn't for sale, as it should be.

Meanwhile we fucking PAY niggers to offer them french citizenship.

>Birthright citizenship is based on a faulty understand of the 14th amendment. Shortsighted supreme court decision decided that being subject to the jurisdiction of the US was simply being present on American soil.
Birthright citizenship is clearly in the constitution. It was passed by radical abolitionists in the power vacuum left in the wake of the assassination of the moderate Lincoln.

America is a continent, actually two different continents. France is a country.

Yes, my point exactly.

>beaners are american
Don't use words you don't understand, retard.

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We knew you argue for jews from begin with.

I'm torn, I do love the idea of America, the intention of America, but the very ideas of it that I love also mean that an ethnostate cannot happen here according to the same ideals. Basically I love the idea that the people tell the government what rights they have, while it's been bastardized beyond recognition today it is still the only government in the world with that intention. If an ethnostate was started in Europe but still had fascistic tendencies, meaning the government told the people what rights they have, then I'd be torn. While I do love the idea of America I also think that it invites usurpers, like the kikes, to come and subvert our will, like they've done. I'm not sure that can be stopped under American doctrine.

yes, why is this a mystery?
are you telling me you cant explain why yourself?
hazard a guess?
herbs fags

>I'm not sure that can be stopped under American doctrine.
What must be done cannot be done within the confines of the law as you’ve correctly determined. It would lead to fascism.
It must be done, and then stopped. That’s an incredibly hard thing to do.