Timeline of Jewish control

What year did we pass the point of no return? Can we still recover from the kike menace?

Attached: 1970s Mission Beach (2).jpg (640x981, 150.12K)

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Two more generations

What's wrong with America today? Jews have created the best country in the history of humanity.

recovery is possible but extermination of the jew is unlikely since they had 70+ years of blending in. only way to defeat them is to go along the path they diverted our civilizations from. peak humanity.

We lost in 1945. You need to wait for the current Jewish Empire to run its course. My genes will survive, albeit with some Asian added.

Circa (((Alexander Hamilton))) and the kike banks; or the (((French Revolution))). So called emancipated kikes are a sin against nature and an implicit crime against Occidental Civilization. The Byzantines kept them out of Education, Government and Banking and their empire lasted from 286/395 to 1453.

Attached: neander.jpg (1120x669, 104.64K)

salvation is of the

Judeans? Edomites?

For America? Around the 1950s. GLR talks about how the birch society was set up to divert rightwing noticing of the Jews towards nonsense conspiracy theories. It's been downhill ever since with Jews gaining more power by the minute. The greatest generation let this happen by the way, they were too busy patting their asses about WW2 victory to notice the infestation. Greatest gen my ass... Look who they raised too

We've been fighting the banking jew for fucking ages. You'd have to trace it back to when they overtook England's bank.

Boomers are demonic. Millennials are a hivemind.

Obviously there are exceptions.

1 B.C.

>(((French Revolution)))
I am reading a book on the French Revolution.

I think 99.9% of people have zero idea what happened in the French Revolution. They murdered anyone they caught on the street and they especially went after women.
The garbage service stopped because the garbage men got ill having to drive through the caked blood in the adjoing streets.
Almost 100% of these women died yelling Long Live the King.

50s and 60s it was too late. they infected higher education and shilled that humanities and liberal arts studies were the height of academia.

you can still see pic rel every day in commiefornia despite what flyoverfags will claim

Off topic coomer bait image.
>What year did we pass the point of no return?
Irrelevant, time wasting question.
>Can we still recover from the kike menace?
This is a slide thread.

It started with Jewish refugees from the Soviet Union in 1920’s when Stalin took over. Then all their kids grew up and were teenagers and young adults in the 50’s and 60’s and pushed degeneracy which led to the down fall of the United States. Their grandkids continued the corruption.

but today they will have tattoos, plastic surgery, addiction to xanax, a tinder account, and shitty political opnions.
jews are not off-topic kike

May 8th, 1945.

Its funny that you don't even know when your imaginary "jewish takeover" happened

do you know why you DO NOT KNOW?

it is because you are fucking delusional, and need to take your meds you fucking sick fuck

the time of jewish control will not/cannot be identified - BECAUSE IT DID NOT HAPPEN

no, the real truth is YOU GOT PSYOPED, dumb fuck, and all like you

I don't know because I'm in my 20s and I have been living under jewish control my whole life. now leave this website cuck

get a load of whack jobs trying to make sense of their delusions

this is always good watching the literal drool that comes out of the 'jews run it all' crowd

fucking complete just garbage pail kid level shit here lads

I don't know because I'm in my 20s and I have been living under jewish control my whole life

tell that to a psychologist bud
the psyop fucked your brains since birth, lol