EU, that actually make sense

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>no post-commies
>no slav(e)s
>no scandi-faggots
>only 5 main pillars and primary cultures of EVROPA

South Tirol to Germany too

I am not talking about German east territories

Czechs should be part of Germany

No. Neither Alsace-Lorraine or Luxembourg. Cope with it.

Greek word, faggot

>forming any economic union with the Spanish
I'll pass

>Demeaning a superior contry while wagecucks far away

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South Tirol, Alsace-Lorraine and Luxembourg * And that's very accommodating

Not UK.
They are part of the Atlantic part of Western Civilization as opposed to Romano-Germanic continental part

>French and spanish main pillars of europe lol
why dont you kill yourself d n d faggot flag nigger

>still missed Eupen-Malmedy because I didn't mention it
Yeah. Illiterate germs are illiterate. Nothing new. You trully don't deserve all these foreign(!!) lands.

Einen türkischen Kaffee, bitte. Vielen Dank.

Denmark and Iceland should also return to Magna Frisia. This first step is one in the right direction though.


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kek the gercuck drinks turkish roach coffee. not surprised. I bet you eat lots of döner too. you better know the turks are cooking the rats and roadkills they get thier hands on and pee on your meat.


You guys had the entire wealth of south america and somehow managed to blow it all

It is German. (Including the areas of map and claimed regions)

Sovereign states co-operating with the ability to completely veto any particular agreements and no fiscal and monetery union and it would work great.

I support this


Only if Germany and the UK promise not to give money to our shitty politicians.

we don't want germany. give it to someone else. we'll have the french, italian and austrian alps tho.


ok and wall yourself up so your niggers will stay there after it collapses

Luxembourg is a tough call.
But to be fair, drawing ethnic lines here, Alsace should definitely go to Germany.

For the rest of Europe:
>A united Scandinavia
>A united Balkan nation (never going to happen)
Does that work or no, thoughts?