A tribe of aerospace engineers raided a McDonald's

Is this America? Why don't even see one single white people?

Attached: redditsave.com_group_of_teens_destroy_mcdonalds_and_maces_the-wgu4mj0rnzh91.webm (406x720, 2.19M)

Absolute state of Muttmericans
This here picture comes from Arizona El Mirage lockdown. Look at these Mutts

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good accelerate.

Niggers are dumb animals.

What else is new.

>spic girl making the face white people make when they see niggers

I just don't get it, chinks are dirt poor, everyone hates each other, government has got their knee on their neck everyday yet you never see the chink walk into a mcdonalds and start fucking up the place.

>Why no white people
I don't know man. Does that look like the kind of place you would like to hang out? Have pavement ape retard gorilla negros spitting in your McFuckhole sandwich?

Surprised the employees tried to keep them out. At that point, I would of just left, and said not my problem.

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This seems like a weekly occurrence now.


>Behind the counter without non-slip shoes

That's dangerous.

Damn, the Ministry of Truth would be proud.
War is peace!

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>aerospace engineers
implying you filthy golem

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Does NASA know their employees behave like this?

this is the america they want with white ppl gone

enjoy, it will be total shithole in less than few years

>Is this America?
No, looks like NYC

They're just excited that their new mega rocket is launching at the end of the month, give em a break.

>Why don't even see one single white people?

Sleepy Joe Biden's America.

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Am a aerospace fag. I don't think these monkeys belong to us. Maybe the doctor and lawyers tribe.

I'm sure there is at least a couple doctors among them.

this /thread

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Black people are our only saving grace from complete corporate takeover of society and government. They should do this more often. Corporations should be destroyed and bankrupted so that the vacuum is filled by locals, one Walmart could be dismantled and provide at least 10 specialty locally owned businesses, which will go on to support the community, fund schools, and infrastructure repairs from the income generated. The only reason the schools are garbage is because the corporations foot the bill where the government comes up short, and nobody can say anything to the contrary because greedy CEOs and lawyers will threaten to pull the funding. Society needs to take back the power and income from these conglomerates and faceless corporations for the good of future generations. The only reason marginalized blacks act out this way is because the school system falls short because they know the prison industrial complex will take care of the rest, which it doesn’t, because they are terrified of losing corporate income due to negative perceptions. They love to take a black man’s welfare bucks, his hard earned money even, and slam the prison door on his kids instead of educating them. Fuck McDonald’s, fuck Walmart, fuck all of these corporations. They are leeches who not only drain the life source of civilization but also leave behind various diseases and maladies.

>Why don't even see one single white people?
Because white people don't act like niggers, chimping out in a fast food restaurant

All those niggers should die.

With these bright nigger astrophysicists in our countries and now multiplying like crazy we can only move forward and colonize the next solar system, galaxy, and dimension. Surely we won't lose to bugman countries like China.
Nigger fatigue is fucking real.

>Imagine seeing this daily and still be anti-racist
I don't understand how American leftwing operates, at least in my country the progressive cucks almost exclusively live in a upper-middle class bubble and rarely interact with wild gypsies.

hearty kek
this is what happens when kikes are allowed to completely dominate a country