Racist white boi gets beaten by elderly black man after he tried to bully him and called him a nigger

Attached: Racist btfo.webm (480x270, 2.2M)

>gets called a word
>chimps out
many such cases.

Stop White Hate

What a fucking untermensch.
He's wearing a derby, sitting quietly, and wearing a nice suit, and you call him a nigger?

There's a difference between negros and niggers. Even negros hate niggers.

This exactly. Niggers have no impulse control over verbal conflict staying verbal

White boi asked to be hit and told him to do some thing. Black man delivers and you mad? Fuck of faggot

Clearly there isn't

get your tongue out of his shriveled up nigger anus you cuck

Beautiful. Well deserved.

Only niggers go around starting fights for no reason, that’s a white nigger.

nigger is a taxonomical term which refers to the black ape faced alleged humanoids coming out of africa

how do you know he even started it you retard?

Thats all you got bitch? cause I was right?

>public transit

Why do liberals freakout on their golems all the time, bros?


Attached: nitey nite.webm (576x1080, 2.82M)

The"white"manlet is masoshit you see is love of black domination.Try that in real getto stupid.

Attached: tumblr_l7ki5mR8vv1qawznlo1_500.jpg (500x500, 76.75K)

Nigger is weak

Sorry, did you say something? Stop talking with paki cock in your mouth. Spit it out then talk to us

Just proves niggers are violent at any age and should be euthanized

Why is he just not making any attempts to defend himself at all?

The white guy literally Asked for it.

What's the full story? Most people mind their own business on public transport.

Yeah the white nigger.
Admit it some of your white people are niggers

That's incorrect and even if it was it's not true now.

I bet the nigger didn't get charged with anything for reality breaking that worthless faggot
almost looks fake

this, I'm not buying it.

It did not care to show why the degenerated white Guy was screeching like a banshee in the first place. Maybe they started having a discussion? Those black old men love to spew anti-white bullshit too.

Plus the white guy might beat the shit out of the old Man, but he probably feared being mauled by other niggers after saying the n word.

negro = nigger = Apefrican = homo erectus
Now get off White people's board you brown mutt.

The absolute state of the cucked white man

By this logic, Whites should genocide niggers and kikes many times over to account for the sheer amount of anti-White fuckery engaged in by these two groups.

Seven seconds in
You must be mrna jabbed

meme flag, you're just like the white nigger in this video you fucking try hard.

You won't do shit cuck

Maybe he wants to sue the city or some shit. Probably a scam.

Or you know instead of trying to go around 'genociding' other races, you could, you know, maybe act like a normal, decent human being and actually get to know other races? Fucking moron.

nope , doesnt mean the white guy started it
all we see is "hit me please, do something nigger".
to me that sounds like some things were exchanged before that

good morning chang

looks like he was jumped.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but negro felons will assault me.

Attached: beat whitey.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

Zoomer asked for it autists

staged fake and gay


Simmer down, tranny.

You are poor and work for a paycheck while I'm rich as fuck and lord over niggers. I already won faggot.

You think like a woman you low t fag

>get to know other races

genuinely never seen a more out of touch comment

and youre retarded. its most likely phony and set up anyway.

Hahahahahaha I want you to choke on your blood so bad. I hope you die a horrible violent death as the last flash in the pan of your pathetic life lmfao

niggers are a violent sub-human race

>implying Whites are the problem
Common error among deceptive chinks such as yourself. Try being less narrow-minded and you might actually grow beyond this immature anti-White phase.


Cuz even a prime age pink male is weak
Can mouth but can’t back it up
Karen and Timmy failed to raise you

Yeah, and if you call them nigger you should be ready to fight. Pretty pathetic that he got his ass kicked by an old guy, but than agin ithe video cuts to the white guy on the ground, and how niggers are, some other nigger sucker punched the guy, and the old man took his shots while his defense was down. Or the old man waited till the guy wasn’t paying attention to sucker punch him.