Pacifism or Vassalage


If Germany goes the way of the pacifist, then it will receive nothing but contempt even from its enemy.

If Germany goes the way of the vassal, it may die, but grows stronger in the ranks of its allies to a point where it can go its own way. Prussia was once a polish vassal. Today its an US vassal.

You cucks will never get it, the pacifist is the lowest creature in the universe. Youre not ready for the 21st century.

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Other urls found in this thread:,,

Why are germans such cucks? Would that have been a better title, you lazy fucks?

Reminds me

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With exception that Canada is probably not a good vassal and far away of being the greatest ally like Australia.


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Fucking Pollack. Fuck off from Austria


The Poles are and always were in the same shit situation that were in now, you fucking idiot. Nothing wrong with Pilsudski.

>If Germany goes the way of the pacifist, then it will receive nothing but contempt even from its enemy.

it no longer matters what Germany does.

it will soon be a collapsed country full of starving beggars that manufactures nothing.

you need to understand that only one thing matters, cheap energy. if you dont have it, you are finished.

Fortunately though not all is doom and gloom.

Video to picrel.

The accelerated jewish corruption of the world in the past few years is all a worldwide Samson Option (Scorched Earth). The jews want to destroy and corrupt as much as possible before the Final Liberation and Take Over by the Imperial Germans/Space Reich (Reichsdeutsche), they (jews and their golems) know that their end is near and they intend to drag the world down with them.

The Plan for Total World Conquest (JWO) that was supposed to start smoothly and on schedule in 2030 (Agenda-2030) but has been sneakily and abruptly brought forward 10 years (2020). The jews have been forced to move in an increasingly uncoordinated, unsilent, unfleecked manner.

In short, like thieves in a glass house, they are now running around making a big racket and destroying everything. Plus, "waking up" their victims in the process ,who the jews and their golems will have a nice farewell "Party". That's why the jews rush things. If the jews had total control over things, then they would have implemented Agenda 2030 with small steps so as not to wake up the people.

When you're in control, it doesn't matter 50 or 100 years. But something or someone (which is obviously the Reichsdeutsche) turned their plans upside down in such a way that they know they have no chance of success but given their destructive mentality the jews prefer scorched earth tactic.

By the way, just because the existence of the Reichsdeutsche is known doesn't mean to just wait for them to mass appear in the skies or on the streets or even discourage in real life action in the meantime. But its best to just be well prepared for the inevitable economic collapse (like getting out of the cities) and cleansing or purification of this planet by them.

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Who is on The Moon? – Ufology Explained, Part 3

The Last Battalion Part 5: The Moon

Excerpt from the 2nd article:

In November 1970, the Steckling brothers observed three very large, cigar-shaped objects(32*4.5km = 144km) at the bottom of "Archimedes".

The Last Battalion Part 7: Lunar bases

The Last Battalion Part 9: The Moon under the magnifying glass

Attached: Reichsdeutsche-spacecraft-flying-near-the-Moon.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

The Reichsdeutsche Part 15: UFO abductions and race preservation

Are various cases of UFO abduction,

in which the crews of the flight disks apparently deliberately selected members of the White race, also connected to a population policy program of the Third Power?Were egg cells or gene samples particularly “valuable Aryans” obtained in this way?

In his book"Die Dritte Macht" (The Third Power)
Gilbert Sternhoff clearly speaks of a genetic research program of the Reichsdeutsche in relation to the UFO abduction phenomenon. There are numerous documented cases in which people have been abducted by "aliens" several times. According to a series of statements by those affected, not only were their eggs removed, but the babies that had emerged from them were later shown to them. And the offspring, like the "human-like aliens" themselves, were BLOND and BLUE-EYED in almost all cases.

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Germany needs to become a prison state. Every single god damn German needs to spend their life locked up in a laboratory building shit like Wernher von Braun. The only things of value they can contribute to society are engineering related.

Everything political that comes from Germany has been a complete disaster.

Poland needs to be swallowed whole by Germany. No one else. The Germans need to come back and, like Eastern Germans who are all Germanized West Slavs, take it whole and Germanize it. The Germans need to switch all the -wicz surnames into -witz surnames, the -ski surnames into -schke or -ske surnames. The -cki surnames into -cke or -zki surnames. The -icz, -yc, -ic surnames into -itz surnames. It needs to make German the only language and Germany the only country. It also needs to practice eugenics on the Poles. Leave us Poles our Catholicism. Protestantism and atheism are gay and degenerate. Poland needs to die. It must die. The Franco/Polish alliance was never an option and the Anglo/Jew/Polish alliance is downright detrimental to the physical, biological entities (the PEOPLE who deserve to live well, in peace and prosperity) occupying Poland’s geographical territory.

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The UFO of the Frederick Valentich Case
Video above isthe communication between him and the Australian Air Traffic Control that happened during the incident.

On October21, 1978 at the south coast of Australia, civilian pilot Frederick Paul Valentich decided to fly on private matters with his Cessna 182-L. He departed from Moorabbin Airport in the State of Victoria, bound for King Island. His plane took off at 6:19 pm and the entire flight would take no more than 90 minutes. But as Valentich passed over Cape Otway at around 7 pm, the pilot communicated to the tower that he was looking at strange lights a few miles ahead. The flight controller said he did not know what they were about, but the two remained in contact for exactly 53 minutes until Valentich fell silent and then disappeared without leaving any trace.

The next morning, the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) began searches of the plane, which lasted five days. A huge team covered about 8,000 km2 of sea and land looking for any kind of trace, but none were found. Valentich's father, Guido, in a recent testimony to a New Zealand TV, believes that his son is still alive and that he was taken by an extraterrestrial spaceship to another planet. “I believe that one day he will come back, but I don't know if I will still be alive to see this,” he said.

Source: The UFO of the Frederick Valentich Case

Its very obvious that Frederick Valentich was abducted by the Reichsdeutsche (Imperial Germans) via an Andromeda Gerät.

Schmidt’s testimony of his contact with a German speaking UFO crew in 1957. (Page 3)

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Youre predicting a future that didnt occur yet.

>our comrades in Antarctica and the Inner (Hollow) Earth.
Comic book delusions won't save us.

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Russia isn’t an option because it’s a backwards shithole and mostly likely will always be a backwards shithole. Besides, Catholicism is Western and Russia is the antithesis to everything Western.

The Anglos (who are allied with the kikes) want Poland so they can “offshore balance” the Eurasian landmass. But, if you need any indication of the how the Anglo/Polish/Jewish alliance is going I recommend the book Bieganski: the Brute Polak Stereotype in Polish-Jewish Relations and American Popular Culture or The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing or you can just watch the movie A Streetcar Named Desire (there’s no equivalent of it in the whole world, maybe Jud Süß but even that didn’t go into questioning the Jew’s nature/genes) to see what the Anglo WASP and Jew think of the Pole. Or just look at gray Slavic shithole Sokovia in the Marvelverse to see what space the Pole/West Slav spiritually and culturally occupies in the Anglo/Jew mind.

>Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; who rules the World-Island commands the world.


France has never been a reliable ally and only wants Poles to go die in its colonies, sorry, I mean Francafrique— where it goes on “peace-keeping” missions.

There’s no other option. It’s Germany or conflict with Germany and Russia for the benefit of the Jew/Anglo and 1939 over and over and over and over again. There will never be Polish products or cars or anything in Western markets. The WASP/Anglo/Jew isn’t going to buy products from his toilet cleaner. There is never going to be an Intermarium.

Poland desperately needs off the Anglo/Jew team.

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Wierzcie mi bracia, jako ktoś kto urodził się i wychował w Chameryce, na WIELKIM Zachodzie, nowym Rzymie, w kraju i kulturze zdominowanym przez Żydów i Anglo-WASPów. Nawet Niemcy nie gardzili nami podczas Drugiej Wojny Światowej tak jak to Żydzi/WASPy gardzą. Jesteśmy już w Chameryce od Jamestown a może i nawet od Roanoke, a nadal jesteśmy uważani jako The Other i największym śmieciem na całym świecie.

Trzeba zgermanizować Polskę. Trzeba pozbyć się z paździerzą. Trzeba coś zrobić z Polonią która zapłaci każdą cenę aby wejść do dupy Anglosom i Żydom.

Sytuacja jest bardzo prosta. Wschodni Niemcy są zgermanizowani Zachodni Słowianie którzy byli zgermanizowani przez rozprzestrzeniającą się lepszą kulturą od czasach Imperium Karolińskiego a my musimy dołączyć. Możecie zgermanizować i czeka na was/na waszych potomków rola produkując filmy, łatwa praca wożąc Fuhrera, grając na potężnej Niemieckiej drużynie (football ale, co ważniejsze, na świecie), będąc German Hot Guy ™ jak Ballack (Sorb) albo Podolski, będąc najlepszym Europejskim graczem w historii NBA (Nowitzki), Niemiecki filozof który jest pochodzenia Polskiego, albo myśli ze jest pochodzenia Polskiego, albo chciałby być pochodzenia Polskiego, będzie pisał jako to wielki kraj Niemcy są bo maja tyle Polskiej krwi w żyłach, nawet zostać Kanclerzem Niemiec (tak jak Merkel dziadek był Polakiem). A jak nie, to czeka na was to:, Polskie obozy pracy w Holandii, uważani jako toliet cleaners, Sokovia, Borat — gdzie jakiś ohydny, obrzydliwy, prosto-z-jakiegoś-koszmaru-albo-z-piekła Mosiek będzie mówił wam „Jak się masz?”, A Streetcar Named Desire, zapierdalając aby tworzyć pokoleniowe bogactwo dla Żydów/WASPów którzy w międzyczasie będą spread jak oni was nienawidzą i jako to śmieciem wy jesteście.

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In August 8, 2015 a crop circle appeared inOx Drove Nr. Bowerchalke Wiltshire, United Kingdom. The shape and design is of the classic Sonnenrad (Sun Wheel) symbol.

Here's a video overview of the Sonnenrad shaped crop circle.

The Reichsdeutsche Part 8: "Aliens" and crop circles.

As in many other sighting and contact cases, where the "aliens" are suspiciously often described by those affected as TALL, LIGHT-HAIRED and BLUE-EYED people, the same picture emerged in the 'Schmidt case'.

In UFO research, the often BLOND figures from space who apparently speak GERMAN are usually referred to as 'Venusians'. The fact that many UFO experts still believe this nonsense, although the truth is already at their feet, says a lot about their alleged 'expertise'

Gilbert Sternhoff describes the crop circles as manifestations of the Third Power, which I believe is absolutely correct. The sometimes gigantic 'grain images', which have already triggered a worldwide press hype, bring their creators, i.e. the UFO pilots, a lot of sympathy and admiration everywhere. Some also see hidden messages in it.

As a 'PR gag' by the Reichsdeutsche, the crop circles are definitely an excellent idea.

Such images also appear suspiciously often in the area of Celtic places of worship, which suggests an affinity of the originators to the Germanic-Celtic history of Old Europe.

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Sikorski: Zkonfliktowalismy się z Niemcami i Rosją dla Amerykanów a Polsko-Amerykański sojusz nie jest warty nic. Jest nawet niszczący bo tworzy fałsz uczucie bezpieczeństwa w Polsce.

Przeczytajcie sobie:

- Danusha Veronica Goska - Bieganski: the Brute Polak Stereotype in Polish-Jewish Relations and American Popular Culture or The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing
- E. Michael Jones - The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing

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Wspierając Ukraińskie śmieci doprowadzi nas do nikąd. Nie będzie nigdy Intermarium. Nawet teraz, gdyż Polska wspiera to Ukraińskie gówno z całej siły aby ich dołączyć do Unii i NATO, podziękowanie które mamy jest ambasador Ukraiński do Niemiec opowiada Niemcom jak to Polacy zasłużyli sobie na Wołyń.

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Diagram of the Andromeda Gerät (first model/version)


Armed carrier and long distance spaceship “Andromeda-Device”

Length: 139 meters

Diameter: 30 meters (in the center, computed)

Propulsion: 4 x Thule-tachyonators ||, 4 x Schumann-Levitators (armoured)

Steering controls: Mag-field-impulser 4b

Velocity: Unknown, theoretically it should be possible to reach 300,000 kilometers per second.

Range: Unknown, theoretically unlimited

• 2 x rotary turrets m. 2 x 2 x 11 cm KSK
• 1 x rotary turret m.1 x 1 x 11 cm KSK
• 2 x rotary turrets m. 2 x 3 x 7 cm KSK
• 4 x R100

External armour: Unknown, probably three times viktalen like in the Haunubu III

Crew: 130 men

Space capability: 100%

Hovering capacity: Unknown, probably 25 minutes like the Haunebu III

Flight operation capacity: Unknown, probably like the Haunebu III,
weather independent, day and night.

Fundamental applicability: Unknown, but probably was planned for 1945/46

Dinghies: 1 x Haunebu II, 2 x Vril-1, 2 x Vril-2

*KSK = Kraftstrahlenkanone (Power/Energy Beam Cannon)

Best sightings of the Andromeda Gerät

(Video to GIF related)

Attached: Andromeda-Gerät_hovering_&_glowing_above_London.gif (632x364, 1.8M)

Additional Reading – Book Links:

UFO: Nazi Secret Weapon?, by Ernst Zundel

Miguel Serrano: Hitler’s UFO Against the New World Order’

German Flying Disks and Submarines Monitor the Oceans(Deutsche Flugscheiben und U-Boote überwachen die Weltmeere) – Book 1 and Book 2 – by O Bergmann

(If you click on the version ‘FULL TEXT’ of these archive pdf books then you can just use a translate app or input to translate the texts of the books to your native language.)

Secret Miracle Weapons(Geheime Wunderwaffen), by D H Haarmaan

The Third Power(Die Dritte Macht), by Gilbert Sternhoff

Die Reichsdeutschen Das Dritte Reich als dritte Supermacht auf Erden?

Johannes Jürgenson - "The Opposite Is True" vol. 2 (Das Gegenteil Ist Wahr Jürgenson Band 2 Flugscheiben)

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Melnyk worships Bandera.

Are you a bot? Seriously asking.

Go kneel to your nigger idols already you pathetic muttoid aka amerikneeler :-)

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Yes, yes, das ist goot.
You vill crawl in the dirt.
You vill freeze.
You vill eat the bugs.
You vill own nothing.
But you vill be stronger in 80 years, I promise.

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Have you read the Great Reset?

Read through all these 5 articles first so you can get a much clearer picture and understanding.

Ufology Explained – Part 1 – The German Breakaway Group – Psyops, Disinfo and Truths – Antarctica, WW2, UFOs, Technology

Ufology Explained, Part 2: Abductions, Secret Space Program, Starseeds, Underground Bases, Psyops & Truths

Who is on The Moon? – Ufology Explained, Part 3

Who is in our Oceans? A Secret War? USOs & UFOs – Ufology Explained, Part 4

‘Meteors’ / Fireballs – Saved by UFOs. What is happening in our skies? A secret battle in our atmosphere? – Ufology Explained, Part 5

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>Youre predicting a future that didnt occur yet.

its occurring at this moment. Germany's collapse has begun.

>Russia isn’t an option because it’s a backwards shithole and mostly likely will always be a backwards shithole.

Russia has oil, gas and coal. That's all that matters. Without those things, countries collapse and people starve.

Fear porn. Two more weeks.

Other third world shitholes as well. Even South Korea produces more steel than Russia.

>Other third world shitholes as well. Even South Korea produces more steel than Russia.

it wont be producing any without coal. Russia will though because it has its own coal.

Germany does as well, they even have their own shale gas.

>Fear porn. Two more weeks.

you're seeing the record rises in German electricity and gas prices, arent you? what effect do you think they will have on the economy?

>Germany does as well, they even have their own shale gas.

Germany has shitty brown coal. its not suitable for steel making. and most of Germany's coal has long since been mined and burned.

nobody is producing shale gas in Germany. thats why Germany has to import its gas. are you retarded?

EU wide uprisings, but germany at last. I dont even think it will happen, not this year, it depends on the development of the war.

>EU wide uprisings, but germany at last. I dont even think it will happen, not this year, it depends on the development of the war.

the war is irrelevant. 'winning' the war is not going to make energy prices go down.

Not yet, because most germans do not give a single fuck, theyre rich enough to buy their stuff from their EU partners, the corrupt ones whod rather let their own population freeze.

It will, even Ukraine has gas reserves. The inflation next year will be at 4%, but keep believing fear porn.

>Not yet, because most germans do not give a single fuck, theyre rich enough to buy their stuff from their EU partners, the corrupt ones whod rather let their own population freeze.

oh i see that you are retarded. there is no useable shale gas in Germany. or in Poland. or in Ukraine. or in the UK.