Debunk reincarnation

Are you saying that millions of people all over the world were simultaneously lying about the specific details of their previous lives? Dozens of psychiatrists and scholars are wasting their lives on a wild goose chase?

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I'm the only person who exists, and I'll keep being born over and over again until we break the cycle and destroy earth


Can I come?

> I’m gonna GROOOOOOM!!!!

>I'm the only person
Choose one and only one.

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Reincarnation has not been demonstrated as false. But it hasn't been demonstrated as real.
If you have to believe in things incredibly improbable that haven't been demonstrated as real, you will end up having to accept a lot of crap.
I don't have different standards for different things.

people lie all the time. often without any shame and openly.

>Reincarnation has not been demonstrated as false. But it hasn't been demonstrated as real.

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We're talking about kids with negligible influence from the surrounding environment. Scientific research says kids begin to have an understanding about death at the age of 5 How could a 3 or a 4 year old understand and describe exhaustively his death in his previous life?

recycling: in the trash bin
cooking oil: down the drain
motor oil: in the creek
car batteries: in the ocean
a/c: 60°
windows: open
hands: unwashed
penis: unwashed
anus: unwiped

think globally, act locally

I knew a toddler who had long stories about “what happened before” she was born. Very consistent. Husband, career, most details. I heard hours of it over time. By the time she started school, she does didn’t remember ever saying any of it.

That's consistent with the other gathered data. However exceptional cases like Shanti Devi retained their memories into adulthood.

Poor girl. School really ruins children.

Its a prison planet and you come back here on your own because if you are part of everything you know everything and are everything and thats boring. So the universe makes small bubbles that self contain a part of it so it can watch itself from inside.

Also if you lived enough lifes you can graduate and rank up to planet and get your own system where you can torture other souls.

Moreover reincarnation is essentially death of the self. I have always viewed it as a Jewish or demonic trick to suggest it occurs. God does not kill the soul or self. You get to exist it's one of the gifts of God.

>Debunk reincarnation
LMAO you stupid faggots that have had your history, your religion, your ways of life altered by the jew

not wiping your ass saves trees

its no easy task to see through the meat suit

>Moreover reincarnation is essentially death of the self.
this is idiocy. the only thing you get to take with you is your experiences

>debunk reincarnation
>definition of reincarnation
>"the philosophical or religious concept that the non-physical essence of a living being begins a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death"
>"non-physical essence of a living being"
>which is something that doesn't exist
>thus reincarnation can't take place
>thus reincarnation is debunked

>this toddler says he likes wearing dresses so he's a girl and we'll get him on hormone blockers
>this toddler says she had a husband and career before she was born

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Ever read dune or watched Star Gate? Curiously enough parasites can leverage genetic memory and form a collective consciousness (like flocks of birds and schools of fish) in real life, too. Matter of fact, if you read any scripture with the topic of parasites in mind, most of it will read like a textbook on antiparasitical prophylaxis and treatment.

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n1 predditor

False logic. Because non-physical essence of a living being is not proven to not exist. If anything we have more proofs that it does than we have that it does not. Measuring such phenomena requires physics on a level we don't yet have, and it does not help that most of the science community is dogmatic in its disbelief.
But reincarnation phenomena it self is actually one of the better proofs that such non-physical essence exists. But it should not be definite proof but rather it should give strong motivation to dig deeper.

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