Why did this happen?

white men in 1960s: we will have flying cars in 2000 and we will colonize mars!
white men in 2020s: *collects plastic chinese dolls and chats with redditors about it*

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We have personal quadcopters. I don't know what a flying car is if not that. We have Mars on the radar. The first all-civilian spacewalk is coming up in a bit. What's the problem, can't you afford to live in the future?

Jews aren’t into that stuff. They just want you to be slave.

And people still think we'll eventually colonize space.

The SF community has been converted into the Otaku (Lolicon) community since the 1970s~1980s. Among their commonalities are suppressed desires, possibility and imagination, and a degree of hatred towards 'reality', Lolicon and SF are very similar in the aspect where they're strangely pessimistic.

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men in the 1960s inhaled lead, cut their foreskins off and were generally stupid as fuck, fuck what they think

if they wanted flying cars they shouldnt have let the situation with the blacks get so fucked up

We let corporations merge with the state to the point of no return and now governments are fueled by consumption and not labor.
Infantilisation of society through forementioned consumerism and cheap dopamine. Not to mention that basic human needs are so easily accessible you don’t need to work hard to fulfill them. Good times create weak men is not a meme. Our civilisation embraced the decadence and is now the breeding ground for weakness.
None in the foreseeable future. For things to go back to normal there has to be a major worldwide collapse. WW3, cataclysmic events, whatever reminds weak men what real struggle is. But that won’t happen.

Best man was in 1910s

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Фyндaмeнтaльнo и чepвoннoпилюльнo

Dont care
Still lift, grill and shoot and do other manly things
Also anime website

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>Why did this happen?
Wrong side won the Cold War.

We wont colonize space because of jews and nonwhites

Hey retard we have had gyrocopters since the 1920s. and everything else you mentioned is "coming up" the problem is your IQ is lower than someone born just 20 years prior to you and that fact is not improving. Our infrastructure is in danger if failure because the number of people intelligent enough to maintain it let alone improve it is dwindling.

Space is the ultimate form of white flight.

What are white men supposed to do when the whole world is against them? Just give them the help they need and a reason to strive:
>Access to subsidized surrogacy: (ABSOLUTELY needed, otherwise millions of human beings are going to die childless. If more men had their own biological children, they would have a reason to become happy wageslaves.)
>Legalized prostitution (sex is nothing special, but it might help men who are still interested in relationships develop some confidence)
>Stable jobs for males who have been unemployed for a long time (males with no good looks or contacts are pretty much unemployable).

So cucks will let them in?

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>when the whole world is against them?
Has always been the case. Most of the times white men against other white men. The difference is that we had states that united us around certain ideals and now it’s the whole “international community” thing. Once we started seeing globalism as something normal things started to go south. Even your American idea of a “white man” is an anti-nation.

Jews/ japs have successfully destroyed our spirit.

Hello, fellow retard. Every successive generation should surpass the previous generation in every way. I know you boomers were the first generation to have it better than your parents -and- your children, but that's not normal and signals a failure to launch on your part. Praise God for the young folks coming up today who are smarter, stronger, richer, and better than us. You don't understand why that's important and that's a failure on your end.

not my problem

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your sperm count is at all time lows, IQ have been dropping since the 80s, cutting your cock off does not make you stronger, 90% of zoomers are rent cucks who will live with their parents until they die. For the first time in history our upcoming generations will be living in conditions and a society that in every way measurable is worse than the prior generation.

It was, is, and will always be the top 10% who advance anything, the rest are low rent wage slaves. Someone lied to you and said otherwise, and you believed garbage. Get off the opioids, grandpa. They're fucking up your mind.

>things that immediately tell about ones character

it's very easy to tell you are not around normal people who beat the shit out of you, best case scenario you go to furry/brony type of conventions twice a year where you socialize with other alike degenerates.

you think you would gain any sympathy by posting that?

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I have not used drugs or alcohol in 20 years. the problem is the top 10% are equivalent to the top 50% in 1970. I couldn't teach you to TIG weld. Which is a skill that 50%+ of our population could learn in 1980.

>going to cons

you think I leave my house? that's rich

Haha there aren't thta many young folks who know how to properly wrap buggy whips either, gramps. Good talk.