Remember Alex Jones' son, 'Rex'?

this is him now!

this is the end result of listening to Alex Y2k Jones.

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fucking hell... wtf
he should be ripped on free infowars sups kek

Found the pedo


apparently this was him 2 years ago

Attached: rex jones.png (1260x1474, 1.28M)

who even likes Alex Jones? isn't he just kind of a modern clown?

Is this the true power of Super Mail Vitality lads?

fucking lockdown man.

Never drinking unfiltered water again

that's some NPC shit, user

i lost weight over lockdown.. built my own home gym. but yeh i guess for some it was hard.

That's totally crazy, man. Keep us posted with all the latest. You're doing God's work, Anonovich.

Attached: Screenshot_20220624-145502_Samsung Internet.jpg (720x797, 136.71K)

america is a fucked up place to grow in

wait, so did he go from fat to ripped? Or ripped to fat?

Feeling old yet?

Hello my fellow Australian

You have posted miss information but because it helps support our cause I will not be fact checking this


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Attached: frog tech.jpg (960x264, 66.65K)

nose is far too different
those are two different people

Attached: young alex jones.jpg (960x589, 114.89K)

Like father like son, a born liar.
Leaning back sticking his gut out in the first picture with lots of bright light.
Second is the total opposite.
What's funny is his dad did the same thing to sell supplements. Thank goodness he did too, because all that money goes to the Sandy Hook families now.

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He turned into airsoftfatty?

lower picture is Full Force, that racist cock did a pretty good doco on him

how old was he in this photo

something is really fucking weird about his court case. the judge is a partisan bitch, his lawyers are doing more damage than the prosecution and there are way too many opinions being thrown around.

Does anyone else see it or do i just like jones too much?

No it’s not but kek

Is this achievable natty ?

Yeah roids will do that to a man.
Lets see if he has his fathers energy and beetroot red face when he throws a fit and smashes tables.

it was even weirder that jones was happy with the out come, and called it a "win" for the first amendment.

You just like Alex too much.
I followed the case from a leftist perspective on a podcast called Knowledge Fight for what seems like ages now.
Alex fucked up at every turn when it came to those court cases and if he wasn't such an idiot he'd have had a lot easier time with the judge.

No it isn't, that's airsoftfatty.

Man I miss frogtech, it was too powerful. They had do ban it. The anti atrazine

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hes prepping

Steroid-years old

I think both. fat-ripped-fat

dumbass newfags dont know

you might be right. ive heard roid if not done right will totally fuck up a guys hormons after they come off them. maybe thats what happened. sad.

nar. i regret the lost years tho. time we should have had together.

Just cuz the kid is fat as fuck and raise by a monster doesnt mean hes a pedo.

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no way that's him

After roid you take post cycle therapy basically weird anti estrogen shit

Had it happen to a lad I knew. Lmao he has a permanent gunt now and his voice pitch went up an octave.

Late 20s