Why is God punishing gays?

Why is God punishing gays?

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Faggot is wearing a collorbone bra wtf

why wouldn't he?

Nobody is punishing gays but themselves. Sticking your dick in multiple peoples assholes every week, completely unprotected, isn’t going to end well, straight or gay.

God is using gays AS punishment.

They punish themselves.

Excessive pride is a sin. Now they're paying the toll. Simple as.

I'm starting to wonder if nukes were faked to hide the fact that God periodically punishes us and radiation sickness is just people turning into pillars of salt.

Who is God going to punish next?

Covid affected the gluttonous and fat, and the old who sold their children's future.

Monkeypox affects the sexually degenerate.

cool it with the homophobic remarks

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Because they're fags

Because of hedonism

too true

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It was written in scripture and they chose to defy that. Simple as

>Why is God punishing gays?
Because he secretly ashamed that his son Jesus was gay. So he takes it out on other fags. God is probably gay too.

It's all right there in The Bible

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thought that was richard spencer

He isn't. I am a massive faggot but I don't actually have sex with men. I've done it a hand full of times in 20 years. None of this punishment is raining down on me.

so orthobros know who to side with

Good point.

Because He told them not to be gay.

He destroyed 2 entire cities down to the last for it. It's the only time God used fire and brimstone. The particular abomination of homosexuality is uniquely enraging in the sight of God.


Wrong. It's performative. I'm gay AF but I don't have sex with men.

Many christians are gay or openly support homosexuality, and Israel/Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the world where 1 in 3 men are bisexual.

Looks like Yahweh is a faggot to me.